Chapter 10

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"Sideswipe!" I shouted in fear as soon as I saw him. Everyone turned to look at me, but I don't care. I ran to the medical berth to see if I could help, but Sunstreaker was faster. He intervened and scooped me up. Not caring about his paint job, I struggled to get a grip on his smooth armor so I could see over his shoulder and look at the unresponsive mech.

"Sideswipe!" I called again as the doors closed. "Take me back Sunstreaker! I have to help him!"

"There's nothing you can do Lily. You would just be getting in the way." Sunstreaker said calmly.

I shook my head as I felt tears start to sting my eyes. "I don't care! I have to help Sideswipe!" I struggled in his grip and tried to get to the now closed doors.

"Stop or else I'll get Ratchet to sedate you!" Sunstreaker hissed at me. I stopped, knowing he would. I whimpered and buried my face in his neck. I took a shuttering breath and started to cry, not even caring who saw. I just want my Sideswipe to be okay...

Sunstreaker vented and shifted me so I was now resting against his chest, above his spark. I pressed myself against his chest and I felt the thrum of his spark as it beat in steady rhythm. Sunstreaker started running a finger up and down gently along my back. I felt him walking and a door open and close. I felt him sit down, but I didn't care. All I cared about at that moment was Sideswipe and whether or not Ratchet and Jolt could put poor Humpty Dumpty back together again. (I know it sounds terrible, but he looked like Humpty Dumpty. He looked like a giant mechanical puzzle. I just pray that Ratchet and Jolt aren't like the kings men and are able to put him back together again...)

After a while, I calmed down and felt drained. Not only physically from crying and lack of sleep, but also mentally from worrying so much.

"Little Flower?" I sniffed and looked up to Sunstreaker. "Sideswipe is going to be fine. Don't worry, he's come back from far worse." He smiled down at me softly. I sniffed again and wiped my eyes before smiling back. I knew what he said was true. They were ex-gladiators and had to fight in a whole bunch of death matches. But, it's kind of hard to imagine something worse than parts of Sideswipe being twisted, burned, and warped to the point that parts of him were beyond recognizable. Not to mention the giant puddle of his lifeblood that dripped in steady streams onto the med bay floor. I shuddered at the memory and leaned back into Sunstreaker.

At least Sunny is still here with me. I'm definitely grateful for that.

I closed my eyes. Please, please, please! don't let Sideswipe go offline! I silently prayed.


Sometime during the next day, Sunstreaker got a comm from Ratchet, telling him that Sideswipe would be fine and we could come and visit. As soon as the 'bay's doors opened, I looked to Sideswipe. I looked over his body and found no evidence him being close to going offline. My eyes lingered on his face. He looked so peaceful, as if nothing ever happened to him.

Sunstreaker put me down next to Sideswipe's head. I scooted closer and started rubbing one of his audio horns. (I found out by complete accident that he likes it.) After a while, I stopped and climbed onto his chest. I sat right over his spark chamber so I could feel it and make sure he was still alive. I looked at his faceplates and willed him move just a little to let me know he was alright. I sighed sat like that for the rest of the day, ignoring everything and everyone around me.

Why do bad things have to happen to the people -or mechs in this case- I love? My little brother got hit by a car when he was like seven (don't worry, he only broke a femur). One of my friends got murdered in a home invasion robbery gone bad. My biological father left me and my family by the side of the road with no money. My cat that my mom got only a couple months after I was born died (her name was Booster and she was my oldest friend). My older brother got sent to Juvie because of what he did to me, and now he is currently in state prison because he never showed up to court to pay for his ticket fines. And now Sideswipe is hurt and I can't do anything to make him better.

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