Chapter 8

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I didn't know it was possible till now. Apparently time really can slow down. I spent the next week waiting for Wednesday to come. And it came... slowly... Here's the highlights of everyday leading up to Wednesday:

Friday (I talked with Slim Shady, Skater, and Max on Thursday):

On the firing range outside, I was leaning against Sideswipe's leg and watched in anticipation as Ironhide and Sunstreaker prepared to shoot the targets in front of them.

Jazz walked up beside Sideswipe and looked at the two as they got ready. "I'm putting my money on Ironhide."

I looked up at the mech as he spoke, "I don't bet, so you can count me out of the betting pool." It's true, every time I try to bet, I always lose. Besides, I don't have any money to bet with. I looked up at Sideswipe, "Who do you think will win, Sides?"

Sideswipe put a hand under his chin. After a second, he lowered his arm and looked down at me, "Sunny." We both looked back at Sunstreaker and Ironhide.

"Alright, old mech, you ready?" Sunstreaker asked as he raised his gun so it was now pointing up.

Ironhide growled at what Sunstreaker called him. "Watch who your calling old, punk."

"Hey Ironhide?" I spoke up. "Don't your holoforms have the same characteristics as your bi-pedal?"

"Ya, why?" he grunted.

"Well your holoform is in like..." I thought for a second before shrugging, "in its forty's. While Sunstreaker's is about twenty." Jazz snickered and Sideswipe snorted as I said Ironhide's holoform's age. Ironhide glared at me and I just smiled back as sweet and innocent as I could. Ironhide turned back to Sunstreaker and motioned for him to start.

"Nice one Little Flower," Sideswipe grinned, lowering himself onto one knee, he raised a hand. I grinned back and high-fived him. We turned to Sunstreaker as he continued to make shot after shot, shooting down every one of the drones.

A minute later, with his gun smoking, Sunstreaker was done. He lowered his gun and turned to Ironhide. "Your turn," he said with his usual smirk. He walked over to us. Now we wait and hopefully I won't give anything away.

Ironhide lifted both of his huge cannons. Pointing them at the first drone that appeared, he fired. Instead of the usual... whatever it is that comes out of their guns, a loud pop! sounded and confetti shot out so now it looked like New Years in New York when the ball drops. I couldn't hold back any more. I snorted and burst into laughter. This was officially my first prank with the Terror Twins. Ironhide must have heard me laughing because he turned on and man did he look maaad!

I shut up and turned. I started running in the opposite direction. "Run away! Run away!" I chanted with Sunstreaker and Sideswipe as we laughed and ran in retreat.

Rest of the day? Boring.


Ratchet called me to his med bay and Sunstreaker went with me. Sideswipe wasn't there because Prowl was being mean and sent him on patrol because of our little prank. Now Both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker have to go onto patrol till Wednesday, each working twelve hour shifts. My punishment? I have to help Ratchet with repairs in the med bay for like a week. I don't even know anything about being a mechanic. How Prowl even came up with something like that is just evil. Wait. Sideswipe said Prowl is evil when it comes to punishments. Ugh! I don't even want to know how to be a mechanic... or in this case a... mechanic medic?

Anyways, I'm now in the bay and Ratchet is teaching me in his ways of the medic. Right now, I was learning pretty much the basics of everything. Hands are called servos, feet pedes, minds are processors, and so on-so forth.

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