Vic's Birthday

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There you go friends. I apologize I'm a procrastinator :c


Kellin POV

I flipped the scorching pancakes onto Vic's plate and smiled as they looked so perfect. I had made him a big breakfast for his birthday and I hoped he would love it. On the kitchen table were eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, waffles, orange juice, and milk. It was funny because I wouldn't be eating any of it, and if I did, it would just be a small plateful of the eggs.

I heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. I let myself hide behind the wall and had to hold back laughter when Vic practically yelled "what the fuck?".

I came out from behind the wall and wrapped my slim arms around Vic's tiny waist. I honestly had no idea how he stayed so skinny when he ate so much. I wanted to laugh, but I was also quite jealous at the same time. I would give anything but Vic to be as beautiful as he.

"Babe, did you do all of this? For me?" I nodded and giggled. It wasn't really much work. I only woke up at five to make it all.

We sat and the warm mahogany table and began talking about meaningless things. We laughed and Vic threw food at me. At some point, I ended up in his lap with him feeding me eggs. It was quite romantic actually.

I felt his hand lay itself on my thigh.

"Baby... I'm sorry. Not today okay. I know it's your birthday but sex brings up too many bad memories for me." I felt terrible, but I knew if I let Vic try with me, I would end up a mess. Well, I already am a mess, but whatever.

He just cuddled me and rested his chin on my shoulder. It truly fascinated me how our skin tones contrasted. I was almost translucent and he was a chocolately brown. It made me think of milk and cookies, which would make sense 'cause we're so sweet.

Oh God am I cheesy.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked.

He thought for a second before saying "Let's hang out with Carlile and the ginger."

I stared at him for a bit before we both burst out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. I don't know why it was so funny, it just was. I think I'm too tired for this shit.

Vic called Austin while I cleaned up the kitchen. I hummed James Dean and Audrey Hepburn softly to myself. Of course, being the idiot I am, I tripped on my feet and smashed the plate I was trying to bring to the sink. I put my hands down to stop me from breaking my nose, but the shards of plate decided to be dicks and dig into my hands. I sat on the floor staring at the blood until Vic rushed in with the phone still against his ear.

"Oh my god Kellin! Austin, I have to call you back!"

I started to pick out the larger shards of glass.

"Oh baby, let me do that. You'll make the glass dig deeper."

So, we sat for ten minutes while Vic dug blue plate from my hands and sanitised them with acid. At least, that's what it felt like. Let me tell you it hurt like hell. I hate everything.

I got my hands wrapped and Kellin called Austin back. They talked for awhile. I watched as Vic's cellphone rested against his ear and he swept up the rest of glass from the floor. I had to keep myself from laughing, because Vic crouched down like a made was quite the funny sight.

"Why are you smiling babe?"

"You're just funny." We smiled at each other. Vic walked over and gently placed his hands on my face. I looked, somewhat mesmerised, into his warm, chocolate brown eyes.

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