To Be There

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Here's the sixth chapter! I just wanted to say that tears welled up in my eyes while writing this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!



Kellin came out with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I had to say, he was a very attractive man, but he looked as if he were a deer in headlights and it worried me a bit.

"H-hey Kells, you should put on some clothes. I have to talk to you about something." I said to him. His worried expression deepened.

"Um... I forgot to grab clothes. I don't have any here." Well of course he doesn't you idiot!

"Just wear some of mine. They might be a little big but I'm sure they'll work." Kellin nodded his head and went off to find something to put on. I sat on the couch and started to take deep breaths. This shouldn't be such a big deal! I mean, I'm only confessing my love to my best friend in the entire world. This definitely doesn't have the opportunity to backfire on me. Not at all.

I was twiddling my fingers when Kellin came out in a black Of Mice & Men t-shirt and grey skinny jeans. I smiled at him nervously and patted the spot on the couch beside me. He sat down, quite stiff and possibly shaking a bit.

"Okay Kellin. I'm super shy and stuff, but I just got to say this because I can't hold it in any longer." I stopped to pump myself up again quickly. "Kellin... I love you." his eyes widened for a few seconds before they returned to normal and he smiled.

"I love you too Vic!" No. Kellin. Not like that.

I shook my head. "No. Kellin, I love you. I LOVE love you. Like, I'm madly in love with you and I have been for months. I wanted to tell you but I was too shy and scared that you wouldn't like me back."

He looked at me completely gobsmacked, like I had just told him he was the next in line to be king of England or something. I was so nervous that he was going to reject me. Tears came to his eyes.

"You're lying." he stated simply.

I put my hand on his thigh, planning to tell him that I wasn't lying and that I was dead serious. I didn't get the chance to do that though because he yelped loudly when I put the tiniest pressure on it.

No. What the hell? Is he cutting? I asked myself. All these questions were running through my head, but I seriously hoped that it wasn't the one I was thinking. I mean, maybe he had just pulled a muscle or something, but the expression he wore said that he had just be caught doing something that he never wanted anyone to find out.

"Kellin," I really hoped he would show me and there would be nothing there. "Show me your thighs."

"I can't!" He sobbed. Oh god, I was right. Why Kellin? You don't deserve this. Nothing justifies this.

In case anyone were to come into the bus, I brought him to my bunk and sat him down. He wouldn't stop crying.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick," I said sternly. "Show me your thighs right now or I'm going to take these pants off and look for myself." he responded my crying harder. I'm sorry Kellin.

I slowly took off his pants, careful not to hurt him. I saw tape on both thighs, but the gauze was hidden under his boxers. When I rolled them up I noticed how bloody it was. I wasn't talking about some blood just seeping through either. They gauze was almost saturated in it. I took them off and counted twenty two cuts. Four of them looked a tiny bit older, but only a day or two. How did this escalate so quickly?

"Kellin... Why would you do this? Honey these are so deep. Why would you hurt yourself so badly?" I asked. I didn't expect an answer though.

He continued to cry and held his arms out to be hugged. I grabbed the towel Kellin left on the floor, putting it on Kellin's thighs as I pulled him onto my lap. I started to rub his back and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm so sorry Vic... I'm a pathetic hypocrite!" He yelled and buried his face in my shoulder.

"Shh... Kellin it's okay sweetie. You're not a hypocrite, and you're most certainly not pathetic. You're just struggling. I wish you couldn't have done this though honey. You're so beautiful. I love you Kellin."

We sat like that for awhile until he passed out from exhaustion. I had to get up because the guys were probably wondering what the hell had happened. In fact, where did they go anyways? Didn't they say something about making breakfast?

I laid Kellin down gently and kissed his forehead before walking out into the lounge. Mike was making breakfast with Tony and Jaime was just staring at me. They probably heard most of what went on.

Mike turned to me and looked at my pants and hands. "Vic, why is there blood on you?" he asked me very quietly. I looked down to see that there was a small amount of blood on my shirt and jeans.

I ran to Mike and hugged him tightly, tears running down my face. He nodded at Tony who took over the cooking and brought me to the table. I broke down and told him everything. All of us were silent for a long time until Tony spoke.

"I guess you just have to be there for him Vic. You know what it's like to go through these things and you're the only person he can turn to now. Look, I think that you're going to have to deal with it after the show though. You don't want Kellin to be a mess on stage, and it wouldn't be good if you were either."

I sighed and put my head in my hands. I heard a door open and I knew that it was Kellin. I looked at him, tears still in my eyes. I knew he felt so guilty, but I couldn't help it. I loved him, and it hurt so much knowing that he was hurting himself.

"I'm sorry." he whispered to me.

I put my hand on the side of his face and smiled gently. "Kells, you don't have to apologise. We'll talk about it more after the show, but until then, know that I love you, and I mean that. I'm in love with you Kellin Quinn." he put his hand on mine and I leaned in. When his lips touched mine, it was magical. He kissed me back, but I broke it before it got too heated.

I heard a woot from Jaime and saw Mike and Tony high-five each other. What was up with them? The five of us laughed and I intertwined my fingers with Kellin's, almost forgetting about the ordeal we faced earlier. Even with our struggles, maybe Kellin and I could be together.

Yeah, I think it could work out.

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