Yeah... I'm Definately In Love With You

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Wooh! Third chapter c: I actually really like this story, though it is kind of triggering...


Kellin POV

I finally arrived at Starbucks, surprised at myself for somehow not being late, and searched for dark skin and long, brown hair. I saw someone wave and quickly realized it was Vic. Dear God, he is a gorgeous, gorgeous man. I would kill to get a taste of that. He wouldn't want me though. I don't think anyone would really want me.

My eyes widened in excitement to see that he had already order and received my latte. I prayed that it was skinny. I can't afford to put on any more pounds. I quickly decided that I didn't care in that moment and drank it fervently.

"So Vic," I said after taking a large sip of the too hot drink. "What makes your band members dumbasses?" I gave him my signature 'Kellin Quinn' smile, but I wondered if there was tension in his bus. Maybe something happened? I hope that he's okay.

He started to explain a shortened version of what was going on with them, obviously leaving a lot out. I felt kind of bad for him. It was obvious to me that his band knows something about him that he may or may not know himself. They must be waiting for him to admit whatever it is. He didn't see that of course, which was why he making a big deal over their fussing with him.

"Um... Excuse me." A little girl with reddish hair said out of no where. She looked so tiny compared to me. I noticed her ribs poke out of her skin-tight shirt and I noticed fresh cuts on her shoulders, though they were poorly hidden under too short sleeves. It brought tears to my eyes, because she couldn't have been a day over fourteen.

She asked to take a picture with us, and we were happy to oblige. Vic and I posted the picture to Twitter and Instagram. The picture quickly got likes and a bunch of jealous fans commented on the photo, most stating how lucky the girl was and how they wished it was them taking that picture and not her. One of the comments stuck out to me though.

Ew. Tht gurl is so fcking ugly! Y wud Kellin wanna take a pic w/ her. Bet she's a skank!

That pissed me off. So much. You don't understand how angry I get at pathetic little girls sitting behind computer screens pretending to act like a big shot when they're really just jealous little bitches. I wouldn't reply to her like that of course. No, I would get a very large amount of hate for saying something like that publicly.

@kellinquinnwillbemyhusband She is a beautiful and sweet girl, with a much kinder heart than you. Her physical beauty is tripled by her personality. You are no fan of mine.

The girl, who had said her name was Macy I think, gave me a tight hug before trying to walk away. Vic stopped her and gave her his number. I considered giving her mine, but decided against it when I thought of the repercussions. The tiny girl left with tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Hey Vic, we should probably go back to the buses now, shouldn't we? I think we have to be leaving for the next city soon." I said. Vic flinched at the sudden noise.

"Um... Yeah. How about you just crash in our bus? I think it's better than us just parting out separate ways. Come on." My heart fluttered when he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. His brown eyes sparkled at me and he started talking, though I honestly wasn't listening. I was far too focus on the immense amount of action my hand was getting. 


We got to PTV's bus and Vic unlocked the door. I went right for the couch as Vic got us both a beer. I should get wasted tonight. I can't numb the sadness with a blade while I'm here. If I did, I would just be a stereotypical attention whore he needed people to notice his cuts. I didn't want that. I didn't want Vic to find out and hate me for the rest of my short life.

"Kellin," his voice startled me out of my trance. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

I nodded and jumped up, feeling the gauze rip off my deep cut. I Should have used more than one butterfly bandage to keep the cut together. Vic must have noticed my distress because he ran to my side and put his hands on my shoulders in concern.

"Haha, sorry about that man. My hip just cracked and it hurt really bad!" My voice came out shaky from fear with a hint of terror. Vic eyed me suspiciously and grabbed the DVD case that was sitting atop of their television. We flipped through it until we found a good movie: The Slit-Mouthed Woman. I heard this movie was absolutely terrfying, though it had subtitles. I didn't mind. I was a big boy who was manly emotion to make a little extra effort to read what they're saying!

We sat back down on the couch and started to watch the film. I kept getting really scared, considering it was probably the most horrifying movie I've ever watched, and somehow ended up halfway on Vic's lap three-quarters a way through the movie. He wrapped his arms around my waist and, though I was extremely anxious, I settled down and rested my head on his shoulder.

I felt really bad that I was most likely crushing him with my weight. I could probably lose a lot of weight if I cut down on my eating... I'm so disgusting. I know that Vic would never love someone as ugly and heavy as me. I mean, I don't even like myself, and so how could anyone else love me? Exactly.

"I'm sorry Vic... I'm just so tired. Lemme sleep here." I whispered, snuggling deeper into his shoulder. I have no idea why, but his shoulder just seemed like the best pillow in that moment. He was so warm and cuddly and I would have done anything to stay there for as long as I possibly could.

I heard him whisper something back to me as he kissed the top of my head and I fell into darkness that was slumber. I loved sleep so much, it was just another escape from these demons. Yeah... I'm definitely in love you Victor Vincent Fuentes.

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