My Baby Girl

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Kellin POV

*time lapse*

I looked in the mirror and laughed and Vic snaked his arms around me, kissing my cheek lovingly. Over these past months, we had become exceedingly close. He became extremely protective over me though. He watched me like a hawk, and because I've been forced to, I behave.

Our last day of touring was yesterday and we were finally heading home. The first thing I was going do is go see Katelynne and my little Coco Bean. I made sure to FaceTime them every day over the tour to know that they were okay.

I told Katelynne about Vic and I a month or so ago. At first she wasn't too keen on it, but she accepted it eventually. Even if she hadn't, it wouldn't have changed anything. Vic was my entire world now, as I hoped I was his.

"Are you excited?" His sweet voice reached my ears.

"Yes and no. I'm scared that Copeland won't remember me!" Vic laughed at my anxieties and pushed the black hair out of my eyes.

"Babe, she's still going to remember you. I mean, you're her daddy!"

"Yeah, and you're her papa!" We had talked about this subject often. At first, Vic was really worried about how Copeland would view him as a father figure, though she already sees him as an uncle of sorts. He didn't want her to be bullied for having two (maybe three if Katelynne gets remarried) daddies. But after countless FaceTime sessions and her even calling him papa once, he became fully warmed to the idea.

He wouldn't admit it, but he loved the idea of having a little girl too. To be honest, he's such a slave to our Copeland already. He loves the idea of dressing her in pretty dresses and beating the shit out of her future boyfriends. I laughed when he told me that.

I was so excited to see my baby again. Although I loved touring and meeting fans, I loved just being home with my family more. Aside from Vic, she was the only one keeping me going. Her tiny smiles and laughs made a horrible day almost okay. She and Vic make things okay for me.

I looked out the window to see that we were coming up on the Californian border. A smile teased my face at the realisation that I was actually going to be home again. No more sleeping on uncomfortable bunk beds, no more Jack and Justin coming in while I'm half naked, making out with my hot boyfriend, and no more long nights up trying to muffle cries. The only downside was that I wouldn't get to see Vic as much. That was a huge downside.

"I'm gonna miss you." I whined to my prince.

"Awh princess, I'll come visit you all the time!" He pulled me into his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder, silently asking him to pet my hair like he usually does when I'm sad or irritated.

"Yeah, but I won't get to see you everyday anymore! And it's not like I can visit you either since I have to take care of Katelynne and Cope. I don't wanna be without you." he began to run his fingers through my tangled locks.

"I know sweetheart. But how about we do this: I'll stay with Mike and my parents for a week, and after that week, I'll pack up all my stuff and come to and make myself at home with you guys? It might not end up being a week depending on how well I bear the pain of being away from you." he winked at me, and I felt my face flush a deep crimson colour.

"I'd like that." My words only came out as a whisper because of the embarrassment.

We let the silence linger until we got to my stop: Los Angeles, California. I felt so torn as I grabbed my suitcase and said my goodbyes to Pierce The Veil's tour bus. I had spent most days in here instead of Sleeping With Siren's because it felt more homey. I guess I was just leaving one home for another.

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