10: Getting In The Way

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Chapter 10
"Getting In The Way"

"Bad Blood"
By: Taylor Swift

For better effect, please play the video once you saw this in the middle of the scene: (♥)

(Y/n)'s POV

Location: "(L/n)'s Residence"

Since Levi and I finally got a nerves to say our confessions to each others, all the things between us was getting more ROMANTIC!!!

Well... Nope, but yeah.

What I mean is nothing more change, but there's a lot of moments that was been added between us, like he would most likely to take a very good care of me in every seconds, minutes and hours and that also includes the milliseconds, so all in all... He became more overprotective and possessive against me.

Well, I'm more possessive than him for sure, but HE!... He, being so overprotective against me is getting me a little bit of mad. Maybe it's just because he's my boyfriend right now, so he totally had a permission and consent to handle me or give me some rules or even a curfew!

Yes, I do loved him, but that's too much for me!

I guess... For this generation or even the past centuries it wasn't new anymore for a lover, specially a guy to take a hold or being so secured on you and for the reason is, it's because he or she loved you so much the he or she or either the of two them just don't wanted to share their own properties with the others, so possessiveness, selfishness, jealousy and so on are the exact things that will invade yourself once you've got in a very serious relationship.

It can also turned you even more serious than usual, so I understand for why Levi is acting like that towards me and neither did I can turned into it.

He loved me, I loved him and we both loved each others so much, so this is only... Natural. Not much of a deal actually.

Sooo... Beside him or me are getting like that, Levi is finally showing even just a little bit of emotions to me and ONLY ME! He will treat me more decently now because Oh-My-Sweet-Heavens... We always turned wild before right? It is the fault of the adrenalines in our veins, but now, we both treated each other as a real more decent and respectable couple and not to mentioned... He even smiles oftenly just for ME in which I found rarely fabulous as hell!

Correction... He maybe looked evil sometimes specially if you mistaken him as one, but whenever you caught him smiling he's heavenly fabulous and not hell.

I never thought he could be more sweeter like candy!

That's my Levi and he's mine.

HE'S MINE!!! Okay?!


Okay, enough now, just take this as a dear example...

There's only a half of hour left for the both of us to come at school, but then Levi... He himself was enjoying to gently brushed the tangles off of my damped hair while holding a pair of hairbrush and a face towel as I was sitting in front of my dressing table's mirror.

"Levi?... " I simply called out his name in a questioning way.

"Hmm?... " He hummed stoicly yet softly in response, still brushing my hair gently.

My lips curved and crept up into a small smile. I used my right hand to slowly reached his hand behind that working up through my hair.

"I... " I sighed and continued my words.

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