Tell The Story

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***A/N- So I started this story when I was pretty young, and it's kinda awful lol. I plan on finishing up this story now, and then going back to edit the first few chapters.***

I sat next to Esme stiffly. The family, aside from Edward, Bella, and Renesmee, who were still missing, had gathered in the large living room. Esme was seated next to Carlisle on the love seat and had kept me under her arm, so now I was squished tightly between her and Carlisle .

I was so awkwardly uncomfortable. Why had I hugged her? Well... I knew why. I had needed comfort, and I slowly began to trust Esme. But I hadn't thought of what I implied when I returned the gesture. She hadn't let go of me since , and I now found myself sitting in front of the entire coven awkwardly. She kept hugging me closer and closer, though my body was already pressed tightly against both her and Carlisle's. I knew that she was trying to get me to lean into her, but I just wasn't willing to do that. Not only would that let her think I was comfortable with this, but it would show that I needed support, and could even make the coven think I was weak .

"Now", Carlisle began. "I think that we need to set a few ground rules." I unnecessarily blinked, turning my head to look at Carlisle. "It's not because you're in trouble." Carlisle assured me. "I went over the rules with all of my children when they first began living with us. Rule number one constantly stands firm-under no circumstances can anyone in this family attempt to hurt anyone else. I understand the accident happened- perhaps Emmett gets a little too rough wrestling, or Alexandria is practicing her abilities and someone steps in the way-" Carlisle was cut off by Alice. "That someone would probably also be Emmett." Emmett immediately contradicted with, "I would never step in front of the kid who can throw fire."

Carlisle silenced them as he cleared his throat. "As I was saying; this family does not hurt people unnecessarily, whether it be with actions or words. There is a firm line between teasing and taunting. No horseplay in the house, as Esme is rather fond of the items she displays, no foul language- "once again Carlisle was cut off , but this time by Emmett. "When the hell did that become a goddamn rule?" I couldn't help but smirk, knowing that Emmett's wording has been very intentional. The ever-patient Carlisle, though, insisted, "those are the kind of curse words I'm talking about Emmett, and you aren't as young as they are."

I could feel my temper flare. Emmett cussed almost constantly. And yet, Carlisle was going to call me out for saying 'damn' or 'hell' every once in a while? My Mom had no issue with me saying those words. And Carlisle wasn't my Father. He had no right to tell me how to speak!

"Emmett cusses way more than me. Why don't you talk to him, instead?" Carlisle turned to look at me, not seeming surprised by my anger. "Well, as I said, Lex, you're younger than Emmett. You're a child. Where would you suggest I draw the line? I'm sure you can agree that Chris shouldn't be running around swearing, yes?"

I felt my jaw drop in indignation. Was he really comparing me to a five year old? He was going to call me a child? I had spent all of this time taking care of my siblings. I had been raising them. I had taken on the responsibilities of an adult. I wasn't about to sit here and let him treat me like a little kid. 

Struggling to maintain my composure, I reasoned, "We're immortal. I'm never going to get older. It makes absolutely no sense to make rules based on age". Carlisle nodded, and I could see that he maybe understood my reasoning. Before he could say anything, though, Jasper stepped forward and started speaking. "Frankly, Darlin', what Carlisle said is true. You're a child. You need to follow the rules of the house if you're going to stay here". I clenched my fists together. Despite my fury, I didn't want the flames that I could feel running through my blood to burst out from my fingertips and ignite the house on fire.

"I wasn't talking to you". My voice was lower now, threatening. Carlisle opened his mouth and raised a hand, prepared to intervene. He could see that the situation was escalating. Still, Jasper kept talking. "Well, I am an adult living in this house, aren't I? And as I said, you need to follow the house rules". For a moment, we were all silent. Jasper probably stopped speaking because he felt my anger boiling, reaching a dangerous level. 

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