Dumb Dogs

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I leaned against the Wolf. I knew how incredibly dumb it was of me to trust this massive animal. But. .. he hasn't killed me. He had attacked the other wolf... one of his own. .. for me.

I turned my head to see him watching me. I rolled on to my side, looking back at him. I had always loved dogs.Mom had never let me Get one, saying they drooled and got hair everywhere. As I stared in to this animals intelligent brown eyes I relaxed even more. He wouldn't hurt me. The other Wolves Might try, but he wouldn't.

Suddenly, a completely random thought hit me. "Are you a boy or a girl? " I had been referring to the animal as a he, but I didn't really know. The wolf just blinked at me, seeming surprised by the question. "Are you a girl? " I felt stupid when the Wolf did nothing but stare back at me. Of course, idiot, he's a wolf! What do you expect?

Ignoring the thoughts, and common sense, I asked "are you a... boy? " he gave me a wolfy grin and wagged His tail. I nodded and rested my head back against his large shoulder blade. "Fair enough. " I traced my fingers up and down his soft fur. He made a...purring sound? Weird. I didn't know that dogs could purr... oh God, I hope he wasn't growling.

I stopped abruptly at the thought. I jerked away from the Wolf. What was I doing? I was defenceless, Vulnerable... open to attack. Jumping to my feet, I began to back away. The wolf stood slowly and took small steps towards me. He really didn't seem dangerous...

An image of him pinning me down earlier, his sharp teeth in my face, flashed through my Mind. Not dangerous? Your losing it Lex! Sparing the Wolf a final glance, I turned and bolted. I could hear the Wolf behind me and I forced my feet to Move faster.

I heard the Wolf give a cry of distress behind me. Then, I heard the other Wolves howl in the distance. Help. He was calling for help. In the Distance a smell caught my attention. Burning wood. ..The sharp tang of pine and. ..muffins?

A house! There was a house! I ran even faster, The hope of protection giving me strength. As the house came in to sight I could practically feel the wolves breath on my back. As one of the wolves lunged at me I took a flying leap towards the house, almost half a Mile away.

I wasn't going to make it. I wasn't going to make it! I reached my arm out as far as it would go. My fingers closed around the gutters and I pulled myself up. I felt a wolves mouth skin over my foot but I kept Moving.

I quickly climbed to the top of the house. Sitting on the chimney, I Looked down at them. Yes! I was safe! I stared at the beasts in victory. can't get me up here, can you you dumb dogs?! My face fell ,though, as the wolves began to walk around the house. What were they doing?

They circled the house and then stopped. There was a wolf standing at every angle I could possibly jump from. Yes, I was safe up here... But I was also trapped. Crap. Crap crap crap!!! This was so not a part of my plan. I watch this one black wolf came extremely close to the house. What was it doing? Wolves couldnt climb...

I was shocked when the wolf suddenly turned into a man. A huge man with short cropped hair and the tattoo on his shoulder. I froze, waiting for him to make his move. But he didn't even look at me. instead, he ran into the house and only seconds later he came out holding a woman close to his side. In her arms with a child. She looked about 4 or 5. If I did have to fight back, I knew that I couldn't kill the girl. That would make me just as horrible as the monster had killed a different 5 year old...The one who 'killed' My brother.

' now really isn't the time for a trip down memory lane' I reminded myself

Once the man had pulled the woman behind the line of wolves surrounding the house, the pack seem to have a silent cue to move. One wolf... Upon closer inspection inspection, I realize that it was the wolf from earlier, began to walk towards house, and me, slowly. The other wolves immediately shifted, closing the gap that he had left open. For a second and I'll stared up at me. I watched him closely.

He began to tremble and suddenly a man stood in his place. As he pulled a pair of shorts from his leg I realized something. He was completely naked! How I miss out with the first dude!? I looked away, extremely uncomfortable with the situation. The only naked boy I'd ever seen with my brother, and that really didn't count.

Looking away was my first Mistake.

The man began to climb towards me. I just stared at him. His eyes. They were the same as the Wolf's. 'That's because he is the wolf, you idiot!' By the time I realized this man was already halfway up the roof. He was fast. Almost as fast as me, even when he was in human form.

Not moving was my second mistake.

I don't know what I was expecting. As he neared me, I didn't follow my instinct to run. It felt more fitting to hug him. 'No stupid, no!!! He is not a human! You don't know what it is! He can easily be more dangerous than you!' Evidently, my mind made the most sense. I turned around but hot arms grab me around the waist. I tried to lunge away from his hold, but he refused to let go. As I thrust and kicked he simply lifted me off my feet.

He jumped the ground, but his hold on me was so tight that I was barely jostled. I continue to struggle but he pinned my arms to my side. Fear coursed through me as the Wolves around us. This was it. I was going to die.

The wolf in front of me began to shake.

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