Barriers Drop

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I snarled viciously. Then, finally accepting my fate, I stopped struggeling. I stopped making noise. Instead, I turned my head and stared straight in to the wolf's eyes. I knew terror was clear on my face...but so was defiance

I glared at the wolf. He pulled his head back, ready to sink his teeth in to my chest. The twelve year old in me couldn't be restrained. The word pervert went through my mind. Not that there was much there... I remembered the embarrasment I had felt when I had gone bra shopping with my mom for the first time, less than half a year ago. This thought made me smile briefly. The embarrassment that had seemed so reasonable back then, made little to no sense now.

Meet you there, mom. I'm coming.

I stopped smiling at the sound of a growl. I looked up, meeting thw wolf's eyes, testing him, daring him. For a brief second, the wolf froze. His eyes went from fierce, to angry, to shocked and finally settled on an emotion I couldn't pinpoint. For a moment, the forest was completely silent. Then, they began to back up, except for the one on me. He simply stood, never backing down. Yet... his weight was no longer on me. Screw dignity!

I jumped to my feet only to stumble and fall. I realized that my pants were about 6 inches below where they were supposed to be. Mentally cursing the world, I pulled them up fiercly. Behind me, I heard what sounded like a mix between a growl and an exhale. It sounded suspiciously like a laugh.This only infuriated me more. What was with these games? I may have been free, but I was still surrounded.

Looking around, I realised that it was raining. I was drenched. I couldn't summon fire, it would be put out instantly.Thinking quickly, I grabbed at the closest element: water. With a mighty heave I blasted a ton of water towards the beasts. They were thrown viciously back in to the trees. I heard yelps and whimpers, but surprisingly no snapping of bones.One wolf lunged at me and I turned to run.

As I crouched, ready to bolt, the wolf that had pinned me lunged at the attacking wolf. This time, I heard a very audible crack. The wolf whimpered in pain, but was back on it's feet in seconds. He continued to growl under his breath, but made no more moves towards me. The wolf that had pinned me trotted back towards me and I hissed. He stopped, looking almost... hurt? He looked behind him, letting out a bark.

Seeming hesitant, his pack turned and made their way back in to the bushes. I heard the padding of paws and then... silence. They were gone.The wolf turned back towards me. I stepped back, more afraid than I would ever be willing to admit. He slowly took a step towards me, then lowered his nose to the ground. I recognized this as a sign of submission.

Curiously, I stepped forward. I looked more closely at the wolf now. He didn't seem hostile. He had glossy fur that's color reminded me of honey. His eyes were brown, a deep brown, with specks of yellow. He looked almost... intelligent.

As if he knew exactly was going on, completely understood me. I took another step towards him and stopped. My mind was screaming at me. What are you doing, stop! He tried to kill you! But... he also saved me.My inner debate ended as the wolf approached me. I stiffened and the wolf hesitated. He thrust my nose gently in to my stomache, almost demanding for me to pet him.

I began to stroke him, scared that at any moment his head would snap towards me with his teeth bared.He laid down and I slowly lowered myself next to him, keeping a foot between us. His paw came around and gently guided my head towards him. As my back came to rest against the massive wolf, I let my barriers drop.

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