The Cullens

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After settling down, Carlisle looked towards me. I met his eyes unwaveringly. Once he realised that I was not going to sit down, he wrapped one arm around his mate and the other under Chris. Now that Carlisle was holding chris up, Chris loosened his hold on Carlisle's shirt. It unsettled me how much Chris seemed to crave Carlisle's attention.

Carlisle unnecessarily cleared his throat. "My name is Carlisle Cullen. I am the Father figure and leader of this coven. Esme is my mate" He smiled lovingly to the female next to him."Oh, GROSS!" Ash thought to me. "Can I please get this guy out of our minds?!" I nodded and Carlisle chuckled and looked at us apologetically.

As I felt Chris leave out telepathy bubble, I grew anxious. "Make sure you're ready to put it back around him if anything happens" I thought to Ash. She nodded, not even glancing at me, but keeping her eyes on Chris.

"That is Emmett" he said nodding towards a large man with dark hair. He gave me a playful smirk. I almost smiled back, but then his size registered in my mind. He could snap me like a twig! My heart hardened once more, and I snarled at him, "Don't smile at me like you didn't attack us earlier!" I glared at him, then at the man with scars. His smirk quickly dissappeared and he looked almost... guilty.

Carlisle coughed politely and then continued."That is Jasper" he nodded towards scar boy. He met my glare with an intense look. After a 10 second stare-off, Ashlynne muttered,"Awkward." Carlisle smiled before continuing. "Their mates are Rosalie and Alice.

Rosalie had beautiful blonde hair. She looked upset at the way I had spoken to her mate, but managed a smile. Alice grinned happily and waved, bouncing in her seat on Jasper's lap. "Calm yourself pixie" Ash thought. I couldn't stop the smile that broke through.

"And these are Bella, Edward, Nessie and their biological daughter." I saw Ash glance at the couple, then a image of Edward's face flashed through her mind before she mentally told me, "He's cute." I laughed out loud and thought back, "It's a good thing Carlisle can't hear us anymore!" Ash and I looked at Edward. He was staring at us in frustration. Ash and I shared a look of amusement. "If only he knew that we were talking about." Ash said aloud. Edward's head snapped at her, realising that not only did nhe not know what we were saying, but it was about him. "Be thankful he doesn't" I told her, smiling sweetly as Edward glared at me.

Next to him, his wife looked at us, clearly unsure how to respond to our teasing. Well, more like mocking on my part. Ash was trying to be fun and playful where as I wanted him to get mad. And I think bella knew that.Bella. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about it but...

"She's a very nervous looking woman" Ash thought to me. I nodded in agreement. Then, I looked away from the shy woman and to Nessie. "Biological daughter?" She skipped forward and put her hand on my cheek. I startled and began to step away, but then...A woman screaming, a whispered name, "Renesmee", A child cradled in Rosalie's arms, watching a teenage boy fall to his knees A golden locket.

Then, a large amount of time seemed to be skipped over.Random images of the Cullens.

Hunting trips.


A wolf, that seemed huge, but gave off feelings of safety, of home.

Renesmee at different ages.

1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13...

As the onslaught of images abruptly ended I stumbled back. Looking at Ash, I asked, "Did you see that??" She nodded. "Who was that boy we kept seeing?"Renesmee smiled happily. "That's Jake. Jacob Black. He's my best friend. You'll meet him tomorrow." Edward and I spoke at the same time. "Tomorrow?"

Suddenly, Alice bounced up, pulling Jasper along with her. "Oh, yes. They will most definately be here tomorrow! We'll talk later!!!"When Japer didn't start walking with her, she turned around, frustrated. "Jazzy, I'll fill you in on them in our room!" With those final words, she danced up the staircase, Jasper trailing behind her.The rest of the coven turned to us.

Finally, after waiting several minutes, Carlisle asked,"Would be care to introduce yourselves?"

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