Family I Have

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I grabbed Chris by the arm and pulled him close. 'Watch yourself." I whispered in his ear. He looked up at me and nodded, understanding that I was telling him to follow the rules. The rules were pretty basic. Don't run to fast, don't jump too high. He ran to the playground, and almost immediately began laughing and yelling with a boy who appeared to be about seven years old.

I didn't like this. I didn't like this at all. But, Chris had persisted. He wanted to feel normal so badly. I knew how hard it was for him. He was so young and his whole life had fallen a part. No more mom, no more friends, no more sleeping or video games or soccer... it was all just gone.Yet, this terrified me. Watching my little brother play with that other child was scary. The very thought of what could happen was horrifying. All of these innocent children who could die, so very easily... because of me. Because I couldn't say no to Chris. They were so clueless as to what we were... so innocent. A voice in the back of my mind told me that we were innocent children too... but that thought was instantly gone. We were innocent... once upon a time.

As I made my way to an empty bench, I tore my eyes from Chris and glanced at Ashlynne. Playing it safe as usual, she had sat down on a secluded swing towards the back of the park. I caught her eye and asked her mentally 'Are you okay?' At her slight nod, I turned back to Chris and smiled. He looked like he was having fun, though I could make out a slight grimace on his face. Suddenly, his head popped up and he stared at me.I gave him a confused look. He stared at me with wide eyes, then in my mind I heard his voice. "There's a woman coming towards you."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing myself for the scent. When she appeared beside me, I looked up and smiled. "Hi" I said, in an attempt to sound happy. I was a kid at a park.I heard a laugh across the park and glanced at my sister. She shook her head and mentally told me, 'Yeah, your a kid at a park sitting alone at a bench. You don't really have to look happy.' With a small smile I looked up at the woman. The conversation I had just held with my sister took less than a second.The woman continued, completely unaware of our exchange.

"Hello, honey.Excuse me, but are you one of Carlisle Cullen's children?" Carlisle Cullen? Who is he? I glanced at my siblings and saw both of them watching our conversation intently. The other boy Chris had been playing with was looking at my brother confused, probably wondering why he was staring at us and not moving. Looking back at the woman, I answered politely, "No, maam." I don't know who that is."She frowned and began to walk away. 'Well, I'm sorry. You just looked like one of his children." Yeah, i got that lady. The problem is, very few humans look like vampires.

"Excuse me, Ma'am?" she turned back towards me. "What about me makes me look like one of his children?" Well, I suppose it's just your skin and eyes. Never mind, honey, it was my mistake." I pondered what she had said and listened as she began gossiping about us to a group of mom's. A bunch of dumb stuff about anti-social, child neglect.... if they only knew. Finally, I got sick of it. "Chris, Ash, lets go!" I called.

Ashlynne jumped of the swing immediately and made her way towards me. Chris, however, continued his game with the boy. "Chris" I called loudly. That got his attention. He looked up at me, and after a quick goodbye to his friend, he practically skipped over to me. "I made a friend!" he laughed, overjoyed. I smiled down at him. "I know buddy" I said as he grabbed my hand. Ashlynne dragged behind us, looking bored. That's what she usually was now. She took losing mom really hard. I stopped and put my hand on her shoulder. When she looked at me, I smiled. "Who wants to go hunting?" I asked. Chris yelled "I do!" While Ashlynne simply nodded.

As I let them go in front of me, I waited for them to disappear from sight. Then, my smile turned sad. Ash never talked anymore. She was always quiet now. Which is why I felt a rush of terror when I heard her scream. "Lex!!! Lex, help, Heeeeeeelp!"

I ran blindly towards them, taking the quickest route, which in turn took out several trees. They landed behind me, bark and leaves flying.I can to a sudden stop as I quickly took in the scene in front of me.

A vampire was holding my thrashing sister down as another held my cowering brother tightly in his arms. I recognized the hold as one of restraint, not protection. I stared at my sister, frozen. Images of the vampire pinning down my mother ran through my mind...her fear... her screams... her sacrifice. I had run that night. I would not abandon my sister as I had my mom.

I called forth air and pushed back the vampire holding my brother. His grip loosened as he flew backwards, and Chris jumped away from his grasp, quickly darting behind me. With no thought of my safety, I lunged on to the back of the blonde vampire restraining my sister, ripping him off of her. As he stood, I noticed with horrified awe that he had bite marks trailing from his neck all the way down to his wrist.

Pushing Ashlynne behind me, it barely registered when she grabbed Chris, keeping him near her. Knowing that they were as safe as they could be until I eliminated the threat, I focused all of my attention on the two enemies in front of me. Summoning fire, I prepared to defend the family I had left.

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