The Dreaded Closet... continued

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^^^Pic of Chris^^^

*Holy crap this was hard to get up. Everytime I go to create- "Unfortunately Wattpad has stopped" But, here it is!!!*

Previously: "Now." Emmett began. "Alice filled up Chris's closet almost as full as yours. An eternity of clothes, most of which he will never wear." I nodded, in complete understanding. Most of the clothes bought for me today I knew I would never wear either.

"But!" Continued Emmett, with an excited sparkle in his eye. "What Alice doesn't know is that Jasper, Edward, & I cleaned out most of the clothes and made... This!" Emmett pushed aside several lines of clothes, and what was behind them was a truly amazing sight.

It was a hidden playroom.

There was a television, a couch, multiple bean bags seats, large fluffy pillows and a video game system with games pile next to it. There was a bookshelf, filled with everything from dr. Seuss to Junie B Jones. There were huge stuffed animals, a remote control helicopter, a spy kit, and pictures hanging on the walls of... Well, everything chris loves. There were sports posters, pictures of bears, and the large ABC poster. There are also several posters of things like spongebob, super Ninja Turtles, and spider-man.

And the toy box! It was filled to the brim with action figures, remote control cars, styrofoam swords, football, baseball, whistles, police hats and badges... This was going to make Chris so happy! It was really... Incredible. There was just no other word to describe it. This. Was. Incredible.

"I'm afraid that's all the time you are permitted, miss." Emmett said to me, grabbing my collar and pushing me out. I looked at him and confusion. He looked at me very seriously and said, "There is a very strict policy that we must stand by." Emmett told me, pointing to a large poster taped to the closet door. NO GIRLS ALLOWED, with a picture of lipstick crossed out. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

I began going to my room and then stopped, remembering that Alice was currently in there with Jasper. Listening closely, I could hear Alice ordering Jasper around. Jasper never seemed to get frustrated at being bossed around, responding every once in awhile with, "yes, darlin'. " Though I would never admit it, I absolutely loved his southern accent.

Realizing that this meant I might be able to get a few minutes alone with my sister, I made my way into Ash's room. I did our official knock, the one from frozen. Not very original of us, but too bad. It worked for us, especially since it was something that Chris can remember. At my sister's "come in" I open the door and almost gagged on the girliness. Clearly Alice had already gotten to Ash's room. And clearly Ash loved it.

The walls were painted pink, with white swirls going all around the room. Her bed had a large white canopy above it, along with soft white sheets and blankets. There was a TV set up in an entertainment center on the opposite side of the room, with jewelry displayed in it. She had pop singers posters everywhere and a monkey alarm clock on her bedside table. There was a small, wooden toy box at the end of her bed, & a desk near the window.

It was the ultimate cliche preteen girl's bedroom. And it was terrifying. My sister was sitting on her bed, dressing up a doll. Beside her were two other dolls, in fancy dresses and their hair put up in two ponytails. I took a deep breath and ventured deeper into the newly prissified room. I sat on my sisters bed tenderly, noticing how I seem to sink into the mattress. Catching on to my thoughts, Ash grinned and stated, "memory foam." I simply nodded, not understanding the point of a vampire having a bed.

"How are you doing?" I asked. Ash smiled at me and continued trying to get the bumps out of her dolls hair. "Great! I love it here! It's so much better than just always moving through the woods." She looked up at me very seriously and said, "I missed baths." I smiled and nodded. My sister had always been a clean freak, bathing at least once every day. It had been hard for her to adjust to cleaning off and rivers, especially after hunting when she was covered in blood .

"What do you think of these people?" She looked at me oddly when I said, 'these people', but honestly I wasn't too sure what to call them anymore. Shrugging it off, ash said, "they're all great. Carlisle and Esme are really nice, Edward and Bella are smart, Emmett and Jasper are fun, Rosalie really cares about us and Alice is super girly and awesome to shop with." Well, at least one of us had fun shopping tonight. I looked over at my sisters new monkey clock and realized it was almost 5 a.m. Well then, shopping last night.

"And I assume you like Renesmee?" Ash grinned really big and said, "I love Renesmee! She's funny and has great ideas! Lex, you would love her! Why don't you try and make friends with her? I know you two would get along." I shook my head. Ashlynne's face suddenly turned sad. "Look Lex, I know you don't trust them, but you really haven't taken the time to get to know them. But... Do you trust me?" I nodded immediately. Of course I trusted my sister, she was the one person I trusted unconditionally. I wish I could say Chris too but... He was just so young. I knew his opinion could be easily swayed.

"If you trust me, then trust this... I know the Cullens. They are good people and... And if they will let us stay here, I want to. So does Chris. Just try to get to know them, Lex." I shook my head, unwilling to admit defeat. Ash huffed, no longer playing the sympathetic, understanding sister. "Well, why not? We're staying in their house, using their money, their clothes... And why not Seth? If you don't want anything to do with the Cullens that's bad enough, but why are you being so mean to Seth?"

Wait, what? Seth? That Wolf boy? Where did he come into this. Looking at my sister, now utterly lost, I asked her, "what are you talking about?" Casting me a disbelieving look, ash ask me, "why are you ignoring Seth?" I blinked in surprise before telling her, "I haven't. I talked to him when he came up to my room." Meeting my eyes, Ashlynne sent me a look of frustration.

"No." my sister persisted. "I mean why are you ignoring him right now?" I shook my head at her, totally confused. "I'm not ignoring him right now! He isn't here!" Now I was getting frustrated. It was bad enough that I was getting called out for avoiding the Cullens, but now she was throwing false accusations at me? Raising her eyebrows in surprise, ash said "Are... Are you serious?" I nodded my head, indicating that I had no idea what she was talking about.

My sister got a scared look on her face. "Lex... I thought you knew or you guys got into a fight or something ... Seth has been sitting outside your room just staring up at your window for hours."

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