Save Them

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At the sound of my sister's scream, mom's head snapped towards us. Her face, already a deathly pale, seemed to lose even more color. She closed her eyes and seemed to gather what little strength she had left. Then, she opened her eyes and looked towards us, determination clouding her fear. With tears in her eyes, she let out a scream that would haunt me forever.

"Run! Run, Lex, run, take them and rui-ru-" She broke into a coughing fit, choking. I gasped as a pool of blood began to stream from her mouth. The man leaning over her didn't even bother to look at us, keeping his focus on mom's throat. I grabbed my sobbing sister by her shoulders and sprinted down the hallway. Over the sobbing coming from my sister, and the roaring panic clouding over my mind, I heard labored breathing in the office then... nothing.

"No, mommy, no,no,no,noooo" Ashlynne said over and over again. We made it to the front door and I roughly pushed my sister towards it. "Oh, God, Chris!" I gasped. "Go!" I screamed to Ashlynne as I ran towards the dining room. Where she was supposed to go, I didn't know. I was engulfed in panic, the walls around me spinning. Somehow, I made it to the dining room. Tears burned in my eyes, but one thing was blatantly clear. Things had somehow gotten so much worse.

Now, my baby brother, my little buddy, was on the ground gasping and writhing in pain. And the man who had been in the room with mom was standing over him, blood dripping from his chin. Without thinking I ran towards them, desperate to get my brother away from the man. Suddenly, I was on the ground, pinned under this... what was he? His skin was white as paper, and his eyes were the same color as the blood covering his face. Screaming and crying, I struggled to get away from this creature.

Terror. Sheer terror. I had never felt fear at anything even close to this level before. And it only increased as I felt his mouth lower to my throat. I screamed as I felt teeth as sharp as needles pierece my flesh. I stopped struggling and could only focus on trying to breathe as a horrible pain swept through my body.

He climbed off of me with an smug grin on his face. Chris was a few feet away from me, just out of arm's reach. He had no more energy left to cry out, and he was now curled in to a tight ball whimpering. As the man dissapered the pain overtook me completely.

From the other room, I faintly heard my sister screaming. "Moooommmyyy" Chris moaned. I struggled to reach out to my brother, to pull him onto my arms. Before I could reach him, everything was gone. Everything except for the horrible, excruciating pain that was slowly spreading through my body.

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