Chapter 23 - Missing Lightbulb

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Okay, so I have major writers block... Sorry for the shortness. Comment if you want the next chapter.. Only about 2 left. 

When I wake up, there is a shadow standing in front of a bright light. I have to blink a few times to clear my vision, and when I do, I see Roxas hovering over me with a worried expression. I look around and see I'm in my own bed, I sit up with and sigh. 

"What happened?" I ask, confused. 

"That's what I should be asking you!" Roxas asks frantically, pulling me into a tight hug. "Shit, Roni, I swear one minute you were all smiles standing on stage, the next you were tipping off stage, lights out." 

The memory hits me like a brick and I hugs Roxas back, clenching my eyes together tightly. I feel shaky and bite my lip to stop myself from crying.

"He was there, Uncl- I mean, Zach." I sniffle. "He was at the Cafe and that's why..." 

A dark look passes through Roxas' eyes, but I don't register it. He gnaws on his lip, my eyes snap to it longingly. I look up into my boyfriends eyes and snuggle into him, knowing that him being near chases away all lingering bad feelings. I let my fingers grip onto his plaid shirt and lay my ear on his chest, over his heart. The thumping soothes me and I feel my self calm down. 

"Maybe working here isn't such a good idea after all.." Roxas whispers, brushing his fingers through my hair... I passed out, I must look like a hot mess. I try to pull away, but that only makes Roxas hold me tighter to his chest. 

 "No." I grunt, finally using all my strength to pull back and look him in the eyes. "I like working here, I might have been imagining it, paranoia?" I shrug. "Don't make me quit, please Roxas?" 

He sighs, but I watch as the fight leaves his eyes. He smiles softly and places a small kiss on my waiting lips. 

"Fine, but I'm making sure our hours correspond and I wont leave your side." Roxas nods, satisfied that I will be supervised all hours of the day - if not by him, by my brother and hit football friends. I roll my eyes at the over protectiveness of it all, but know that it makes me feel so much safer. Is that to greedy of me? Wanting to be safe, even if it puts other people in danger. I feel something sink in my stomach as I realize that my safety means danger for Roxas, for Denton, for his friends... I don't want that at all. 

Roxas stands up and gathers my things while I'm deep in thought, I barely register him handing me my Violin case and the helmet he always makes me use when I go on his bike. I follow him outside, my head in the clouds as I get on his motorcycle, but I hold onto him tightly. 

After a few minutes were at my house, the lights are off and it's quiet. Roxas gives me a once over and helps me off the bike. 

"It doesn't seem like Denton's here, can I come in and wait with you?" He asks me, looking into the house. I nod, a little bit to enthusiastically, I mean I want all the alone time with him that I can get. He's my boyfriend, I have every right to think like that. 

I pull my key out of my back pocket and unlock the door, letting Roxas walk in ahead of me. As he walks passed the wall, he flips the light switch - but the light doesn't turn on. I stand in the door with scared eyes as I watch him mess with the switch. 

"That's wierd, I swear Denton told me he replaced this the other day." 

Yeah, I know, wierd. My brother and my boyfriend talk alot about the home-improvement projects going around this house... They like to think of themselves as Handy Men, but if this light is out already I seriously doubt Denton's skills. I take small steps into the house, trying not to trip over my own two feet. Roxas stands on the tips of his toes as he looks up at the light fixture, he scratches his neck - his expression showing off his confusion.

"That's Odd, there isn't a light bulb in there at all." He turns to look at me and his eyes widen, "Veronica!" 

"What?" I breath, turning my head to look where he is, I squeak when a heavy hand comes down onto my shoulder and the smell of minty fresh breath seems to smack me in the face.

"Well, hello Veronica." Zach whispers, squeezing my shoulder. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend, that's against the rules I set." 

I stare back at Roxas with wide eyes....

Yeah, we're screwed. 

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