Chapter 12 - Not the Pizza Guy

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I don't even bother going to school, I woke up late and it's already twelve. David is at work so I don't need to worry about him anyway.

I just want to take the day and relax, to heal. I know that I missed my first day at work yesterday, but I realized, I don't really care. I mean a job would be nice, It would give me something to do, a reason to leave the house, and put money in my pocket. But, at the same time I don't think I could handle a job. I get hurt alot, I don't know if I would be able to show up - or be in any condition to walk around and take orders. I roll around in my bed for the next few hours, being very cautious of my side. It's a lazy day. Or that's what I kept telling myself. But, the moment my doorbell rings, I shoot up from my bed and fly down the stairs, ignoring the throbbing in my rib cage.

I ordered Pizza about ten minutes ago, I'm hoping that's it. I can't wait to taste the cheesy goodness. I think Roxas was the one who said it, who can deny pizza? It makes everyone feel better, even on their most crappiest days. And, today is defiantly my most crappy day.

I throw the door open and there is no pizza. Instead, I see three faces that I defiantly did not expect to show up at my doorstep on this day. One of those faces is considerably smaller then the other two, all of their reactions to seeing me different. Little Lucas smiles and reaches out to grab me. Alek lets out a sigh of relief and Cassadee glares.

"Excuse you" she storms passed me and into the house. Alek gives me an apologetic look before inviting himself in as well. I look at them before closing my door. It's only four, I have two hours. They can only stay for two hours - no more than that.

"What brings you guys here?" I ask, trying to strike up conversation.

"One day, I'm perfectly fine with you being absent one day." She hands Lucas to Alek, "But two? I was worried, thought you were actually sick. But I come here and you have this huge smile on your face, which dropped the moment you saw my face by the way. Tell me, what is the reason that you hate us so much that you decide that staying home and being bored out of your little fragile mind is better then hanging out with us and getting a job?"

She thinks I've stayed home the past two days because I hate her? That is totally outrageous, I almost went to school today, just for the sake of seeing her and Alek - it's not my fault my body decided to let me sleep an extra few hours, making the trip to school pointless.

"I was just feeling under the weather, I promise Cass." I reassure her. "It's defiantly not you."

"Why'd your smile drop the moment you saw me at your door then?" She presses, walking into the kitchen and pouring herself a glass of the Apple juice I had no idea we even had. She takes slow sips as she waits for my answer.

"I thought you were the pizza guy.  I was waiting for him to bring me my extra cheesy pizza and bread sticks." I shrug my shoulders, "You are not the Pizza guy." Her eyes scan me up and down as if she is trying to figure out if it's the truth. I guess you can say up until now, I have lied my way out of every sticky situation - she must have realized this and can no longer tell which is the truth. But, It is the truth. I did order pizza, I'm actually starving right now. As if on cue, the bell rings. I smile at my best friend "That must be it now."

I walk toward the front door, a little skip in my step. I scoop out a pill from my pocket and quickly put it in my mouth, swallowing it dry. If I have to stay around Alek and Cass, I would rather not be in excruciating pain. I'm just glad that they are facing away from the door so they didn't see my act all suspicious about the pill.

"Can I have a piece?" Alek asks from the living room, I hear Lucas gargle and Alek says. "Lucas too, Lucas likes pizza."

"No, you can't we are mad at her remember?" Cassadee glares at Alek as I walk to the door. "Plus, there probably no pizza, just another lie to get us off her back."

Alek shakes his head and sighs. "We aren't mad at her, you just want her to think your mad at her so she will agree t-"

"Alek, shut up." Cassadee covers his mouth and I laugh out loud as I open the front door,I wonder what she is expecting me to do for her? I forget all about that and my smile quickly falls as I see Denton at the door. He walks right passed me and into the house. He doesn't notice my friends and pulls me to the kitchen, not even letting me close the front door.

I look over at Alek who holds Lucas to his chest, if he is trying not to look like that boys father, he is failing miserably. The boy is his spitting image, I don't know how I didn't realize he was Lucas's father right off the bat. Cassadee steps into the living room and sits on the couch as she watches my brother drag me into the kitchen. Alek is focused on us so much, Cassadee has to take Lucas away. As I said before, Alek loves a good piece of juicy gossip, and a fight between the Blues siblings is defiantly juicy.

"I get you are mad at me, but did you really need to skip school two days in a row to prove it?" His face is red and he is pacing back and forth, running his fingers through his hair, so hard I feel he might be pulling them out. "I'm sorry, I will explain why I don't like Roxas, Okay?"


"Just let me Explain." He holds my shoulders, I nod. "Roxas has a habit of stealing my girlfriends, of course he doesn't even know about it himself. But, whenever I have a girl that I really like or care about, Roxas appears, him and his 'pretty blue eyes' come and just snatch them from under my nose. Always my girls. There was Tina, Salma, Marcia, Elizabeth, Jessica, Beatrice...." He keeps on going, but after I heard the crazy girls name I just stop listening.

"Woah, Beatrice, that Crazy b-" I stop myself when I remember Lucas is in the room. "Butter roll?"

"She was actually pretty normal before she fell for Roxas." Denton shrugs. I have the urge to tell him that I'm pretty sure Beatrice has always loved Roxas. They're practically family - but by the time I think of it he has already continued on. "But, to make it worse, he doesn't even like the girls. He barely notices them, he doesn't speak to them or acknowledge their existences. And they don't even care. They don't care!" My brother lets out a huge breath. "But, you, he notices you. He speaks to you. You are my most important girl. He could have any girl he wants. But, you are my sister. I can't lose you to him. I mean, the kid is bad news, Roni. He has all those tattoos, the giant hole in his ear, his 'I'm a bad-boy' attitude. He smokes Roni, cigarettes."

I shake my head and give him a look, Is he serious? "Denton, you have tattoos too, don't deny it. I snoop on facebook. Both of your ears are pierced and I know for a fact that you smoke on social occasions, such as parties." I clench my fists. "I wasn't mad about Roxas, I could care less what you think about Roxas. I like him and I will hang out with him regardless of what you say." My brother opens his mouth to speak, but I hold my hand up, letting him know I am not done. "As I said, what I was pissed about wasn't Roxas. It was what's happening around us, about you being stupid and not realizing what I'm going through and how much it hurts me."

"What are you-"

"Was it you!?"

All the eyes in the room turn to the door. Roxas stands in the front hall, his motorcycle helmet in his hand and a pizza in the other. His face is beat red and he looks more angry then I have ever seen another person, besides David. He is glaring at Denton with dark and scary eyes. I mean, if looks could kill, Sorry Denton, you would be long gone.

I look at Cassadee and with a forced smile. "I told you I ordered a Pizza."


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