Chapter 16 - This isn't over

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I press my hands down against the dash board, checking myself in the mirror once again. Denton looks at my from the corner of his eye and shakes his head. It's been a silent ride, but I know that we are both very nervous.

I don't want to face him. I don't want to see his ugly face. I don't want him to know that I am still afraid of him - or that he haunts my nightmares. Even more, I don't want him to know that he still effects me and what he has done might just effect me for the rest of my life.

But, I have to. I need to tell my story, the one that I have kept secret for years. The one I haven't admitted out loud to anyone. I have to re-live the past infront of a room full of strangers. And two of the most important people in my life. Roxas and Denton will be there, for both moral support and witnesses to the crime.

"You will do fine, Roni." Denton tells me for the fifth time, as we pull up to the court house. Roxas is sitting in the backseat, leaning his head against the window. He told Denton he would take his motorcycle, but Denton practically forced him to ride with us. I think it's because he didn't want to be alone with me, just in case he said something wrong - or I decide to have a panic attack before we even get started. Panic attack, I might actually have one of those. I clench my fists, feeling a harsh tingling sensation in my left one - even though the bone isn't broken anymore, it is still weak, still fragile. It could be broken again, just by doing something like slamming it in a door.

If I slam my wrist in the door, could I get out of going into the court house? Could we have a mistrial? No. No mistrials. Mistrials mean that he is dubbed innocent. He can't be innocent. I suck in a huge breath and let it out, trying to calm myself. I open the car door and step out, I'm ready.

I have my witnesses, I have my lawyer, I have my friends moral support. I have filed a suit against him. I'm ready to face this head on.

We walk through the doors and my lawyer walks up to great me. Her name is Mrs.Travis, we have met a few times in the last three weeks, went over what will be happening, what has already happened and she has met all of my witnesses. She leads me into the court room and sits me in my chair, behind the desk.The court hearing, thanks to Mrs.Travis is only has a few people in it. It's in Judge O'hearn's office. It's a closed hearing. No jury. Just me, David, our lawyers, and Denton - who is my legal guardian. Roxas wasn't allowed in for moral support, David's Lawyer was informed about Roxas jumping at him - so apparently for David's safety Roxas has to sit outside the door.

David is already in his seat on the opposite side of the room, his eyes meet mine for a few seconds and he smiles. I feel my stomach tighten and my throat close up. I don't want to do this. I faze out, not even paying attention as the judge speaks.

"Tell me what has happened, Veronica."

I open my mouth and squeeze my eyes shut as all the memories hit me like a ton of bricks.

"David Calters was my step-father. My real father died when I was six, and my mother re-married David when I was about eight. When I was ten, My mother died - leaving me in the care of David." I swallow the water collecting in my mouth as I talk. "It was fine at first, he was like a normal, caring parent. But, when I was about twelve, I came home with a really bad grade on my exam and he hit me - hard." I bite my lip, not daring to look at anyone. "Denton wasn't home, he was at his soccer practice that day. But, that day is when everything started. David started hitting me, it would go from a slap once in a while, to him beating me to the point where it hurt to move. He started taking it...further after I.. I, uh." I look at Denton who was looking at me with those pitiful eyes before turning back to the judge. "After I got my period when I was fourteen, two years ago, is when he started raping me."

I hear Denton muffle a little gasp and lay a supporting hand on my shoulder. He squeezes it hard and I look up to see him glaring at David - who doesn't look the bit remorseful. If anything his expression look somewhat prideful.

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