Chapter 20 - Most Definitely.

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Roxas' story brought tears to my eyes, and I could basically see all the pain that he had bottled up inside him just empty his eyes. As if speaking of it had taken this giant wieght off of his shoulders. I see him in a new light, a brighter light. Roxas had to fight twice as hard to get where he is than I did. I respect him, like him, love him. 

Of course he doesn't know that, because I was just about to confess my feelings to Roxas - but was interrupted by coffee, cookies and the overly cheerful woman who had saved his life. I don't know if her interruption was a good thing or a bad thing. But, what's bothering me is that he told me after his story he had a question for me and curiosity is killing me. I don't think he would ask me anything with Diana around.

Roxas now seems a little annoyed and I don't know why, everything was fine a second ago. I grab my cup and add my sugar and cream, while Roxas just sips on his black. Diana squeezes in between us with that wide smile of hers and looks at Roxas. Her eyes full of pride and love, and I can't even be mad at her. 

"Have some cookies, Dear, you're to skinny for your own good." She says, thrusting some of the cookies at me. 

"Diana." Roxas says in a warning tone. 

"No, it's fine." I wave Roxas off and grab a cookie. "Thank you." 

"Roxas has told me you play the Violin, is that true?" 

"Yeah, but I am out of practice. I'm not very good anymore." I shrug half-hearted.

"Now, that's a lie." Roxas shakes his head. "She's outrageously good."

"No-" I try to cut in but he continues.

"Don't deny it," He shakes his head and turns to Diana. "She's first chair or whatever and the music teacher basically spends all his time coaching her; he says she is blessed with a talent. She's just not confident." 

"That's wonderful." Diana claps and looks at me. "I wish to ask you a favor. As you can see, we aren't very popular." She waves her hand around the empty cafe. "But, some live music might bring in some customers, I am willing to pay, think of it as a part-time job. Roxas works here too when he isn't busy with his delivery job." 

Extra money in my pocket? More time with Roxas outside of school? Get more practice with my violin? Sounds good to me. 

"I'd like that." I say smiling more at Roxas then her, he cracks a smile too and stands up. 

We talk about the working hours and requirements and things like that, before I notice its gotten dark outside. Roxas seems to notice too, because he stands up and grabs his helmet.

"Okay, okay. Diana, It's getting late and I have to bring Roni home or her brother will cut off my man parts." 

We all laugh even though, knowing Denton, it's probably not a joke. He hands me the helmet and I get back on the murder machine. The ride home is quicker than I wished, and soon we are both standing in front of my door, and I'm reluctant to go inside. Roxas seems to feel the same, because he hasn't left yet either. 

"So, remember when I said that I had to ask you something?" 

I nod, little does he know is - that has been bugging me since before he told his story. I'm to curious for my own good. 

He reaches down and grabs my hand, squeezing it softly. I look at our hands before looking up into his eyes.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I think I've been pretty obvious for my feelings for you - and I was wondering, well I want to know if..." He trails off and rubs the back of his neck with his free hand. A soft blush makes its way to his cheeks, can this guy get any cuter? I bite my lip in anticipation "I'll just spit it out. Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I don't even answer, I basically shoot myself at him, tackling him into a hug. He chuckles as he wraps his hands around me and steadies us. "Can I take that as a Yes?" 

"Take it as a most definitely." I smile, kissing him on the cheek. 

He pulls back a little and his arms fall t my waist, our eyes connect and both of us are smiling. He leans his head down a little and I feel my eyes start to close. I'm about to be kissed by Roxas, my boyfriend. I start to lean into him and shiver slightly as I feel his hot breath against my lips; almost there, just a little closer - 


I flinch and my forehead connects with Roxas's, we both pull back and look towards the front door - where my brother, Lexi and Martin are standing. Lexi is smirking, Martin looks a little dissapointed and my brother is standing with his arms crossed and a stern expression.

"Just because I don't hate you anymore doesn't mean I want you kissing my sister in front of me, Roxas." Denton nearly growls out. Martin nods his head, throwing a glare at Roxas. I look up at him with what I hope is an apologetic expression and he just shrugs his shoulders in a 'Nothing we can do' manner. 

I give him another hug and turn to go inside, waving as I walk through the doors. 

"Oh, by the way, Roni you have mail." Denton places a sealed envelope in my hand and shrugs. "No return address or anything, It seems suspicious."

I shrug, ripping open the envelope. My eyes scan the sheet and it takes every little piece of me to not just drop on the floor and start crying.

. A part of my life that I thought was over, just changed chapters - because after reading this letter I know what David said was true. This wasn't over. 

Keep on your toes, 

On your feet.

This isn't over,

we wont be beat.

Your time is coming

Your time is near.

We're not done yet.

Where is your fear? 

You put him to jail,

but don't forget me.

I'm coming for you,

Uncle Z.


Who was expecting that!?  Yeah, I have yet to introduce Uncle Z. More about him in upcoming chapters...:)   Give me some love, Comments, Questions & Concerns, below.

VOTE ~ & Fan <3 

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