Chapter 5 - Trouble

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I barely slept last night, I was rolling around, wondering if David was going to sneak in and get me late at night. This morning, I realized it was all pointless, because David never does it on Tuesday nights. He works once a week and that's on Wednesdays. He leaves me alone on these two days, because he sleeps early on Tuesdays, so he isn't tired when he wakes up in the morning. And he doesn't bother me on Wednesdays, because he is so exhausted when he gets home. I don't know what he does, or how much he gets paid. I just wish he did it more often.

I decide to dress a little lighter today, because I don't want people wondering about my choice in clothes. I go with Zebra leggings and Black ballet flats on my feet. I'm wearing a tight, black, long sleeved shirt. It's long enough to cover my butt. The neck line dips sort of low, but I have a spaghetti string shirt underneath, and the large hickey and other small bruises on my chest are covered, along with my black eye.

I hear my brother pull up on our gravel drive-way and run downstairs and outside to our porch. I watch as Denton pulls up in his PathFinder. He smiles at me and grabs my backpack as I walk to the front seat of his car - only to stop when I notice that girl sitting there. I look back at Denton who shrugs. I sigh and hop in the back, to be greeted by Martin.

"Heard you joined that band class." Lexi says from the front, turning toward me as Denton drives. "Denton didn't tell me you were a geek."

"Lexi." Denton's voice sounds stern, chastising her. "She isn't a Geek. She is just good at that whole music thing."

"And in school. She's smart." Martin points out. "How else would she be in my Science class?"

"You're an idiot, Martin." Lexi says, shaking her head. "She's two grades younger than you, how is she in your science class?" She giggles. "Oh yeah, you failed last year didn't you?"

"Only Science." Martin argues. "At least it's not math. How are you graduating this year anyway? you haven't passed math since Freshman year."

"HEY!" Lexi reaches back and slaps him on the arm. "I am going to graduate. The guidance counselor made sure of that."

"Yeah, by putting you in three stupid math classes." Denton jumps in, chuckling.

I end up laughing at that too, causing her to glare at me before turning around and letting out a huff of air. Martin bursts out laughing and leans on me to support himself. I try to shake him off, but he isn't budging. Idiots.

Once we park at school, I hop out quickly. I don't really like attracting attention, which is all these three attract. I realized yesterday, they are the most popular kids here.

My brother is the captain of the football team, the track star and handsome. He grabs the attention of everyone and has girls throwing themselves at his feet.

Lexi is the head cheerleader, Homecoming and Prom Queen candidate, the role model of all younger kids here. She is gorgeous and rich, which helps her pull off almost any fashion statement. She is also dating my brother, which is a bonus.

Martin is the Student council president, he is friendly and the goalie of the soccer team, as well as being co-captain of the football team. He is Lexi's twin brother, which makes him cool with the guys - and shares some of her looks, which has girls always trying to be with him.

They are the meaning of attention.

I try to get away before they come climbing out of the car, but Martin pulls at my arm. He drags me over to the other side of the parking lot as he follows behind my brother and Lexi. He is talking about something, but I ignore him - because right now I'm trying not to scream out bloody murder as my arm throbs painfully. I know that my wrist must be fractured, but I can't go to the hospital or anything - so I try to ignore it.

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