Chapter 11 - Emergency Situation

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From here on out - This story is on hold until I get some more reads or some Votes&Comments.. I'm not expecting much, or at all - really. If it takes time, I don't mind. I just want the little people that ARE reading to at least show some love/support. 

Twenty hours, thirty four minutes. That's how long I was out for. I look at my watch, which is cracked now. My body is sore and I don't want to get up, but I know that I have to. I need to get on a bus and to the hospital three towns over before school lets out. I have three hours.

At these times, I really wish that I had a cell phone. Maybe that way I could just call a taxi or something. Or maybe call the police when something like this happens. But, maybe that's why David never gave me one - or maybe he just doesn't care.

I try to stand up, but my knees are weak. I shred my clothes off carefully, like I do every time I wake up from getting knocked out, and crawl over to my mirror. I let my eyes carefully look over my body. It's not so bad this time. The bruises are closer together, less scattered and obvious. They are all located around my stomach, ribs and side. My jaw is swollen and is throbbing, I have no idea if I would be able to talk without a noticeable slur in my voice. My hands shake as I press them to the floor, I use them to hold up my weight as I try to stand up.

Once I'm on my feet, regardless of my body trying to resist, I walk to the bathroom to take a warm bath. This always seems to help soothe the soreness, it helps me be able to get back on track and moving again. I soak in the warm water for what seems like hours, but is in reality only a few minutes, before I have the power to stand up. My knees at still shaking and my legs are still sore, but I am good enough for a walk.

I trudge into my room and slip on my clothes, and a large parka over my randomly picked outfit. I put sunglasses on and use the house phone to call a taxi. David isn't home, so I go to the fridge and pull down the cookie jar, the place I know he hides his money. 'For Emergencies' he told Denton. But, I know he put it there for me. For days like this where I need to be fixed and he doesn't want to be around to see it. I guess that's a little fatherly. Or, maybe it's just in case he finds out that he impregnates me with his rape baby and I have money to abort the little demon. Of course, neither reason matter to me. The money is here, so the money is mine. I pocket extra, so I can feed myself and pay for whatever pain reducing medication they give me.

The taxi seems to take forever to get here, and when it finally does - I know school is either just letting out, or will be let out very soon. I practically have to rush the driver to get me out of town quick. I can't accidentally come across Cass, Alek or Denton. Or even worse, come across Roxas. I couldn't face Roxas.

I walk in through the Emergency Room entrance and walk up to the counter. The nurse sits there with a bored expression, popping her gum. She is looking at the T.V and I need to get her attention, so I knock on the window. She takes one look at me and hands me a clip board, telling me to fill it out. I shake my head.

"I'm thinking you can give me something a little more immediate. I don't think I can stand up much longer, much less write out my problems on a flimsy piece of paper." I tell her, feeling as my knees knock together and I feel the room spin. Her eyes widen as she watches me fall backwards, I'm still conscious, my body just gave up on me. She calls for a stretcher, I'm in an actually emergency situation.


I crack my eyes open the tiniest bit and see a young doctor, probably in his mid to late twenties. He smiles at me and sits down on my bed.

"What's your name, sweetie?"

"Paige." I lie, by now I realized that I can't give out my real information.

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