Chapter 17 - Care To Dance?

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I twirl in the mirror, smiling at my reflection. 

No bruises, no cut, gashes, no signs of abuse. My skin is the pretty light carmel color it was meant to me. My body is healed.

I look down at the beautiful black and pink dress that Cassadee helped me pick out only a few days ago. Pink has never been my favorite color, I think I have mentioned that before. But, this dress is beautiful, it makes me ignore the color. 

It's strap less and sexy. The top half is black and sort of on the sparkly side, but soon the color black dies out and leads into a satin pink. There is a slit that isn't directly in the middle, but not to far to the side either. 

My brown hair is straightened and flows down my back. My make up is light, but the mascara I'm wearing makes my blue eyes pop out to the extreme. 

My brother calls up to me, telling me that Roxas is here and I have a little secret smile on my face. What will he think when he sees me? I haven't worn anything like this, nor has he seen my bare shoulder. I know I sound like a grandma from the old days, going on about my shoulders. But, I guess showing skin is a whole new thing to me lately, I'm still shy about it. 

I look down at my silver heels and smile as I walk to the staircase. 

Roxas and my brother are in deep conversation as I make it to the top step, but it seems to fall silent as they lay their eyes on me. You could literally hear a pin drop. I walk down the stairs slowly, not taking my eyes away from Roxas.

He listened to me and went with a white suit, his pink tie is there, but I can tell he is trying to hide it in between his jacket. He has a pink rose on his chest too, which isn't bad at all. His eyes sort of widen as I stop in front of him and I watch as his cheeks turn red. I smile up at him.

"You look..."

"Beautiful." My brother finishes for him, looking just as surprised. 

"Thank you, both of you." I smile, reaching down to hold Roxas' hand. He slips his fingers through mine and I bite my bottom lip to stop me from smiling wider. "You don't look to bad yourselves." 

I loop my arm through his as we walk outside to the limo, Lexi and Martin are already inside. Martin is with his date, a girl from his grade who openly glares at me. Her dress is pink too, but it's short and a little whore-ish. I smile at her and turn to Roxas, who still hasn't taken his eyes off me, I see them dip low to my chest and I poke his arm, which make his eyes connect with me.

"Just thought you should know." I say slowly, pointing to my eyes. "My eyes are up here."

"Wha- Oh, no." He slaps a hand to his face. "I'm sorry, I was just noticing you didn't have a necklace on or anything."

"Nope," I pop the 'p', "I don't own any necklaces, Da-I mean, they were sold off."

His eyes turn into angry slits again, something I commonly see when I bring up David, but he lets it go and sighs. He digs in his pocket and pulls out a long, thin box.

"I thought, why be cliche and get those flower things." He opens the box and reveals a beautiful necklace with stars dangling off of it. It's silver and sparkly. I look up at him with wide eyes, this doesn't look cheap. "So I got you something better."

"This is...too much." I tell him, holding the silver necklace in my fingers.

"No, and No, I'm not taking it back." He says, "It's yours, and that's final." 

I bite my lip to stop myself from crying. This is honestly the nicest thing that has been given to me in years and I love it. I turn to him and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Thank you." 

"Your welcome." He says against my neck.

I turn a little in the seat and lift my hair up after handing him the necklace back. He slips it onto my neck and clasps it. 

"It's pretty." Lexi says, smiling at me. Since she found out what was going on with me and since my brother and I got on better terms, she has been alot nicer. She's like a big sister to me now. 

"I know." I say, touching it softly. 

"Stars, for the star." My brother nods, patting Roxas on the back. 

"I'm not." I tell him, waving my hand at him. 

"You should know that denying gets you no where with me, Love." Roxas chuckles. "You are a Star." 

I bite my lip, I love to be complimented, but this was a little much. So, I just nod and thank him.

Soon enough we are pulled up to the nice hotel that our HomeComing dance is being thrown at. You can hear the music playing loudly, even from outside. People are walking up in small groups and screaming happily when they see their close friends. Cassadee and Alek aren't coming, they had no sitter for Lucas, and they think home coming is to main stream anyway. 

But, they did go to the game, where our team won. Thanks to my brother, of course. 

It was the first time I ever went to his game, which he said made him work harder to impress me. Which he would have done even if they lost; he is my brother, my only family left. He doesn't have to do much to impress me anymore. 

We give our tickets in and walk through the doors, the room is full of dancing bodies, pounding music and bright lights. Roxas leads me to our table, which we share with my brother, Lexi, Martin and his date - before dragging me to the dance floor. 

After about an hour and a half, they call out the nominees for Home Coming king and Queen. Of course, my brother and Lexi win..But what I wasn't expecting was that Roxas and I to have the second most amount of votes. As the night goes on at least twenty people come up to me, telling me I'm a shoo in for Prom Queen. 

I smile and say thank you, still star struck. 

A few months ago, I was nobody, just an abused girl who was scared to really know someone. Now, I'm...dare I say, popular. I smile to myself as the beat of a slow song comes on. I look over to see Roxas smiling at me.

"Care to dance?"

"I would love too." I place my hand in his as we walk to the center of the dance floor. 

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and his go firmly around my waist, pulling me against him so there is little to no space between us. We sway slowly to the beat and I don't tear my eyes away from his. 

Tonight is one of the best I have experianced. Roxas makes me feel beautiful; he makes me feel like nothing has ever happened to me. As if I wasn't dirtied.

That's when it hits me. 

I don't just like Roxas.

I love him.

I love Roxas Dean. 

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