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"That would be selfish of me. We're just in some high school relationship, we fool around and eventually break up. A child is with you for life, and I'm not about to deprive an innocent child from its father. Even it is in a wench's stomach." I laughed weakly at the end.

"So, you're saying this has to end?"


Days turned to weeks, weeks to months and so on. I was grateful for the three-week spring break at home seeing that it gave me some time without worrying about seeing Keith. Plus, after the whole Olivia's pregnant fiasco, I'd been homesick. Speaking of Olivia, after her parents found out that she was pregnant two months in after her monthly home visits they took her out ACP and placed her in homeschool so news wouldn't leak and ruin her family company image.

As for Keith, he's decided to end it with Olivia and take this situation to court since Olivia threatened to never let him see the child. He actually tried to ask me out again but I declined seeing as though too much drama revolved around me whenever he was with me.

"Alex, Elaine's at the door." my mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I jumped out the bed and raced downstairs. I hadn't seen her since January, it was now April so you can imagine how excited I was. 

"Alex!" Elaine squealed pushing my mom out the way to run and hug me as I did the same.

"Oh my holy mother of cheese! Your hair! It's not dyed for once!" she said grabbing a strand of my hair. 

"I wish I could say the same for you," I said eyeing her brown locks. I had to admit she looked good, but I preferred her as a blonde.

"Elaine, exactly where do you plan on kidnapping my daughter?" my mom asked, walking over to us. My mom had changed too, she cut her hair to a cute little bob and even adopted the look of makeup (believe it or not), she looked younger and happier instead of looking old, and depressed as I left her.

"There's this new ice-cream shop that just opened and I'm planning on going there." Elaine said grinning from ear to ear while placing her arm around my shoulder. 

"Alright then, Alex no goofing around," she said becoming serious. Can you believe after January departure to a whole another state and school they were still skeptical about my angelic behavior? 

"I know mother, good bye," I said exaggerating the "good bye" and dragging Elaine away from the house. 

"Bye Ms. Bolton!" she managed.

"Give me all the details of what happened while you were at Maine," Elaine said as soon as she was seated in her car.

"Well--I finally went out with Keith--" I said slowly, while looking at the passing houses.

"Oh my cheese! The Keith? The player/heart-breaker Keith? The one that played you so badly you--"

"Yes, Elaine!" I interrupted. Her cheeks turned pink and she nodded her head to motion to continue, "He saved my life after I almost got hit by this car--he took the hit, got colorblind--"

"He risked his life for you?! What Keith are we talking about?"

"Keith Waters. And Yes, I eventually went out with the guy, less than a week later his ex announces she's expecting--"

"You mean pregnant?"

"Yeah, we broke up again."

"I would comment but I know you hate when people go 'there are other fish in the sea.'" Elaine said, parking in front of the ice-cream shop. I got out and walked inside the store, Elaine following close behind.

"He's cute," Elaine nudged me while nodding her head toward the boy at the front counter. I had to admit, he was eye-catching. He was a bit on the thin side, and his brown hair nearly covered his eyes.

"Elaine . . ."

"What's the best way of getting over Keith? A Spring Fling!"

"I'm not doing that hump and dump thing anymore. I feel I should give out more respect."

"Fine, a relationship."


Elaine rolled her eyes and walked over to the counter. The boy took his attention off the counter to look at us. He tried to look us over without seeming to obvious. He failed miserably.

"Can I help you?" he asked in a deep British voice that made my toes want to curl.

"No, but you can help my friend here, her name is Alex." Elaine said, pushing me forward. I gave her a look of disbelief. The boy smiled at me and took his notepad out, 

"Well Alex, my name's Jake. What'll you like to order?"

"I'll have an original vanilla ice-cream." I said, my face becoming involuntarily red.

Elaine began to back away near the restroom area, "She's free Saturday!" with that shout she ran behind the door.

"You've got a pretty funny friend," he chuckled.

"Ignore her. She has no shame."

"So you're free on Saturday?"


"You can decline but they're doing a showing on antique films that day, you wanna come?"

I was about to say no and make some lame excuse on how I needed to get my dry-cleaning or something until I saw his face ready for rejection. What the heck? I did need to get over Keith and forget about Daniel, and Jake seemed nice. Plus, he was cute. I smiled and nodded. "Only if you get me my ice-cream I ordered five hours ago," I joked

"Of course. Say 8?"

"8 it is," I said. It's great to be home.

Alright so I've been dealing with this for months and I'm fucking sick of it. Would you guys like it if I just went on your stories and comment "Oh, WORSE ENDING OF A CHAPTER/STORY EVER!!" like WHAT THE FUCK?! I HAVE FEELINGS! I started a SEQUEL and it's hard to make a sequel with a happy ending for me. If you dont like the end just click the home button or that X on the top of the screen. 


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