Chapter Twenty-Seven (27)

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:

Keith's P.O.V.

"So how's the Alex plan going on?" John said tossing me over a drink from his fridge. John was my cousin and I confided in him with everything so yes, I told him about Alex.

"She's so fucking complicated. One second she's letting me kiss her and she's all up on me. The next she's giving me the finger and telling me to fuck off. It's pisses me off but it makes her irresistible."

"In my opinion you're pretty whipped. And you haven't even done the girl yet."

"How am I whipped? And yeah I did. A year ago."

"Well, when you were dating Opal or Orlanda--"


"Whatever. When you were dating that girl you still were cheating her. You're not even dating Alex and she's all that's running through your mind man. You jumped in front of a freaking car for her man. Maybe it's just me but I'd like Justine get hit," John said. I took a long sip of the beer he gave me and analyzed his words.

Justine was John's three month girlfriend but he didn't care, he brought a new girl to his bed everyday. I'm surprised that he didn't have an STD yet. "Why are you even with Justine?" I asked him.

"She's annoying but I can't lie. She gives damn good head." He leaned back on his couch and let out a long sigh. I rose my eyebrows and walked up to his fridge again to get something else to eat. As expected his fridge was only loaded with sandwiches and TV dinners. I took a hoagie and sat back on the couch opposite him.

"Tell you what. Since you're so determined to get the girl I'm gonna help you. You see you're cocky and arrogant when it comes to the ladies. That's going to make a girl like Alex bash you over the head. You need to come off soft and shy, give her flowers and chocolate. Do that cheesy shit, girls dig that--"

"How are girls attracted to you?"

"How are they attracted to you? Anyways, I'm going to put this in a way your perverted mind can understand. You know before sex how you gotta get the girl wet first? Same thing."

I could see where John was going here. Whenever he approached a girl he always approached like he had been nervous and they started swooning over him. I just went up and instantly began flirting with the girl, usually that worked but it didn't seem to work in this case.

"You see my young pupil. With those hard to get girls sometimes you gotta balance contact. You gotta be distant but also make sure you involve in her life. And don't go off jumping in front of car unless she's your wife. How are you gonna impress a future nature freak if you can't see green?"

I slowly rose up my middle finger and he chuckled. Then he got up and put on the thin jean jacket and stood waiting for me. I gave him a confused look and instead of answering me he threw me my own jacket. "We're going to ACP, I wanna meet this Alex. Is she there?" he said. I just shrugged but put my jacket on anyway.

"She's usually with this girl named Catherine. They're always together." John got a devilish grin on his face and I began to pray for my own life.

* * * * * *

Sure enough, Alex was with Catherine. Right on the front steps of the stairs. Today her hair was in a messy bun, her eyes heavily coated and she had a faint glossy look to her lips. I wanted nothing but to just hold her around my arms. Her eyes met mine and without warning John cleared his throat and smiled at both Catherine and Alex.

"Hello ladies," he grinned kissing both their hands. Catherine giggled uncontrollable and Alex just gave him a look that warned him to back away. He smiled at her and took her hand away. I gave him a puzzling look.

"You must be Alex, I know because my cousin said you're a feisty one. He's right." If I was to be struck by lightening, God would be doing me a favor. 

"He talks about me?" she looked surprised and tilted her head up to look at me again.

"All day, beautiful. You must've done something to his brain because he can't stop thinking about you." he explained to her. My eyes went wide and I pulled John to the side. When I believed we were out of sight I pushed him. 

"What the hell man? What's your problem?"

"You've tried to get her your way for a month. I'm interfering, obviously you can't do this yourself. Lemme handle this." With that he walked back to the girls. 

Alex's P.O.V.

"So you see Alex, you need to get with my cousin. I mean you sound like an interesting person but I'd like to talk about other things other than you," the boy said smiling at me. In the corner of my eye I saw Catherine drooling over him. I couldn't exactly blame her, he was hot. He had hair up to his chin with gray-greenish looking eyes. 

"Where is Keith?" I asked curiously. The boy pointed over to his left and I looked over to see Keith looking down at the ground, hands buried deep in his pockets. He looked embarrassed. Nothing like family to bring down the cockiest boy ever.

"I'm going over there. Wipe up your drool Cat," I said getting up and walking away. Cat glared at me while I was still in her eye distance. 

"I see my cousin's finished humiliating me," he said scratching his head. I nodded and stood in front of him, I was honestly very curious if Keith made that guy say those things because he thought I'd run into his arms.

"Are those things serious or did you tell the boy to say that?" 

"If I did tell him to do that I wouldn't make myself look like pathetic."

"You didn't come out pathetic. So... if those things are true?"

"I do like you Alex." I gave him a half smile and he took this as the opportunity to start to lean in. I pretended to lean in myself at the final second I retracted myself and walk away. Even with his cousin's backup I wouldn't give in so easily. If Keith Waters wants me so bad, he'll work for me.

Okay, I know this chapter SUCKED. But I've been having a bad writers block and this is the only thing my brain is content with :( I'm sorry guys, I hope the next chapter is better. Heat+Imagination=Disaster. P.S. boy on side is John

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