Chapter Thirteen(13)

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I can't think of anything to write after Chapter 12 so I'm FF to Keith&Alexandra's date

Chapter Thirteen:

"Hey, did you know that optimists live longer and have lower overall death rates than pessimists?" Catherine asked as she laid down on my bed, kicking her feet in the air and looking at the screen on her phone. When she came over her original intentions was to drag Olivia and I to the mall, but when she heard Olivia went to go apply for a job and I was getting ready to go somewhere she decided to stay and "help" me.

"You know this because...?" I said, throwing my head inside my closet for suitable clothes. I wanted something that'd show off my curves and make Keith think 'Damn, I regret cheating her'.

"It's on twitter. Do you want me to help you pick out something?" Catherine told me, sitting up in bed and looking at me.

"Isn't that you said you'd do in the first place?!" I yelled in exasperation. She rolled her eyes, walked up to me, and bumped me to the side with her hip. She struck out her lip and stroked her hairless chin in a puzzling manner.

"It's fifty-six out, unusually warm for winter, so you can definitely wear something sexy. Where are you going anyway?" she said.

The lie came out my mouth before I could even think it over. "Concert. Myself."

She looked at me in amusement for a moment before sticking her hand inside my closet and in a minute took out a sleeveless, low-cut gray and black long for-fitting shirt that reached my mid-thigh, tight, stretchy pink skinny jeans, and pink vans. She threw them on the bed then ran to Olivia's closet and picked out a button less grey sweater that would stop at my waist.

"Oh my god this is so cute," I gushed smiling at the display before me. 

"Of course I am. I can't let you go outside a hot mess. Always dress like you're going on a hot date, that's what I say," she grinned. Oh the irony. "What are you going to do with your hair?" she pointed at my hair rudely. 

"What's wrong with it?" I asked, I had just straightened my hair and dye the tips jet black. And of course I applied extremely heavy eyeliner and . . . yep, that's pretty much it. Catherine curled her top lip up and gave me a disgusted look.

"What's your natural hair color?" she asked. I gave a look of horror and clung on to my hair for dear life.

"Catherine! You wouldn't dare!" 

She went into my small bathroom and came out with at least five of my hair dyes. "I'd tell me before I dye your hair some hideous color... like green." I could tell from her eyes that she wasn't playing around and she would do that task in a heartbeat. I hung my head in shame and answered so quietly that I didn't think she heard me.


"Come to the bathroom with me," she told me. She didn't even wait for me to move, she just walked to me and dragged me into the bathroom despite my protests and resistant behavior.

* * * * * *

8:10 and I'm standing outside my dorm building waiting for Keith. If this dickhead had the nerve to stand me off I'd literally chop his head off. Right when the thought appeared in my head two glaring bright appeared in my eyesight. The door of a car opened and a guy with faded jeans and a white shirt came running up to me.

When he was close enough I noticed that it was Keith. "Sorry I'm late I was getting something sorted out and---wow, you look amazing," he said while his eyes raped my body.

"If you're done, can we leave?" I asked him, switching my weight to the other leg. 

He motioned his head toward his car and I rolled my eyes and got in, but not before sharing a secret smile of satisfaction. A few moments later Keith entered the car again and turned up the radio while driving off. Rihanna's S&M came up and I instantly sang along.

"I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it! Sex in the air, I don't care I love the smell of it. Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me! Na na na na na come on, come on, come on, I like it, like it. S S S S M M M M," I sang a little too loudly.

Keith chuckled next to him and I turned to me grinning like an idiot. "Turn up the volume, I love this song." I said without waiting for his consent and turning up the volume myself. Keith joined me in singing and everybody from outside looked us like weirdos. 

When the song ended the ride was awkwardly quiet after that. About thirty minutes later he pulled up in a parking lot and my breath caught my breath. It was carnival, I was in love in carnivals since my dad brought me to one when I was five. 

"They opened a week ago, I had to bring you." Keith told me, opening the door for me and leading me to the entrance. I resembled a five year old from the way my eyes were looking around in amazement. 

"Two tickets please," Keith asked the woman behind the window who kept giving him flirty looks. I rolled my eyes and my eyes caught the Ferris wheel and I tugged on Keith's arm.

"We have to get on the Ferris wheel first," I snatched the tickets from the woman and ran toward the line of the Ferris wheel with Keith hot on my tail. 

I got in one the open carts and Keith sat next to me. I couldn't stop grinning, carnivals opened too many good memories were brought back. He snuck his hand into mine but I didn't protest this time. "I remember my dad told me when the Ferris wheel reached the top I could touch the clouds." I laid down on Keith's shoulders. "I wish those days were brought back."

I didn't know what it was, but the moment I laid my head on Keith I felt an instant warmth wash over me that I wasn't familiar with. The minute ride was way to fast for my liking and I wanted to go again but Keith's fatass kept complaining he was hungry. 

As soon as I reached the snack bar I headed for the pizza and picked up a slice of pepperoni. "Oh you don't want that it's soggy. Try the cheese, it's better." a female voice told me. "Thanks," I said without looking up at her, I picked up a slice of cheese and looked toward the smoothies.

"How's your outing with Keith?" she asked. What the hell? I looked up at her and my eyes widened at the sight. Olivia was standing there with her arms crossed over her shoulder and her usual friendly, light green eyes were dark with anger. What the fuck was she doing here?!


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