Chapter One (1)

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Chapter One:

The bright sunlight spread inside my closed eyelids, forcing me to finally open my eyes. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, why was it morning? I turned to my side and saw Rick--at least I think that was his name--laying there in bed, still asleep. I got up out of bed and rushed to put my clothes back on. "What are you doing?" the unnamed boy asked, half-awake.

"Well, this is called dressing up." I told him in a monotone, putting on my black skinny jeans.

"No, I mean, why?" he asked me.

"Because I'm leaving? You're not the brightest fruit in the bunch, are you?" I gave him a strange look, grabbed my bag, ran a hand my hair so it didn't look so messed up, and pulled on my Uggs.

"But last night you said---" he paused and laughed nervously.

"Poor baby, poor naive little baby. Look I had a great time last night I really did. It's better to end on that note," I smiled and walked out the door. I started laughing when I heard him scream profanities out his bedroom. I ran out his house and stood there on the porch, taking out my phone.

"Hello?" Elaine answered yawning.

"I need a ride Elle," I spoke into the microphone.

"Oh god... where are you now and have you ever heard of a taxi?" she asked.

"I'm still at..Rick? I think that's his name. I'm still at his house from last night. I told my parents I was going to the library, I am so dead when I get home." I chuckled thinking of my parents going out of control with worry that was simply unnecessary.

"I'm coming over. Stay put! I'm skipping my shower so I'll get there before the cops come looking for you." she said, hanging up. It was times like this that I loved having a best friend like Elaine.

I walked up to the curb and sat down, burying my face into my hands. My parents were probably going to rip my head off with their teeth when I got home. My parents thought they had a pretty tight leash on me so I told them I'd be off at the library doing some excessive studying. Went to the club instead, met some guy named Rick who was drunk out his mind and went home with him. Now they were going to kill me because I didn't come home last night. I needed to clear my head. God, I wish I had a cigarette right now

I saw car wheels come to a stop from the corner of my eye and I reluctantly looked up. Relief washed over me when I saw Elaine's heart-shaped face, green eyes, and blonde hair look down at me through the driver window. "What were you even thinking? I've raised you better than to say you're going to a library! You could've said you were going to my house babe," Elaine lectured.

"I'm sorry, my head was in the clouds," I answered.

"Why is it I always have to come to the rescue? You know, you need lessons on how to drop a guy. Have you ever thought of letting the guy drive you home before brutally dropping him?" Elaine stuffed a disc inside her car CD player.

"Yeah, and risk letting my parents know what I'm up to?" I started before MC Hammer's Can't Touch This began to blare through the car, Elaine put the windows down so everyone outside could listen too. "Elle, what the hell?!" I had to scream just to be heard.

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