Chapter Twenty (20)

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Chapter Twenty:

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, make it last forever friendship never ends. If you wanna be my lover you have got to give, taking is too easy, but that's the way it is." Catherine sang obnoxiously, putting her radio on full blast and singing alone. This was approximately two weeks after the incident, apparently everyone seemed to move on . . . expect for me.

Well, me and Olivia. She didn't ever miss a chance to give me a dirty look when she saw me through the halls and at lunch. It's like I killed him but as I said, that wasn't intended to happen. Catherine's default AT&T ring tone launched and she answered, momentarily putting the volume down to speak.

I just sat there, watching Vampires Suck on Catherine's small bedroom TV for the billionth time. "Oh my god, are you fucking serious?!.....I'm sorry..." I heard Catherine say, shock and excitement in her voice. I looked back and saw she was staring at me with a giant grin on her face. She resembled a creeper, so I gave her a 'you're-scaring-me' look and turning away.

Suddenly the television switched off and Catherine was frantically searching for something.

"I was watching that!"

"You won't care once I tell you who called."


Catherine picked up her car keys and lifted them up in victory, "Keith's mom! She called me to tell me Keith's awake and has been for the last past hour. He's asking for you by the way, she doesn't know who you are so Keith told her to call me." She began to walk out the door. I didn't care if I was in my Tweety sweatpants and Elmo shirt I ran out the door after her. 

Although Cat was driving well over 45mph in 25mph zone I still saw she was driving way too slow. That was until I saw flashing blue and red lights behind us. Groaning, Cat pulled over and rolled the window down. Seeing from her mirror that it was a male cop she pulled her already revealing neckline a little lower. 

When he came up to the window I saw he still looked young and by the way he was shuffling around with his belt nervously he might've as well had a huge neon sign reading "Newbie". Cat was going to eat this guy up. 

"Can I see your driver license and registration please?" he asked making the mistake of checking her chest. Unfortunately for him, she saw because she seductively pushed her chest forward and sighed.

"Officer, I didn't mean to speed. You see, my friend here is in a rush to see her brother--" she began while I shot her confused look, my brother? "and he's been in a coma for two weeks and he awoke and he's one of my dear friends too and I'd be awfully sad if I didn't get to see him. My heart is literally racing, feel it." Catherine leaned over, grabbed the officer's hand and placed it on her left boob.

"Do you feel it?" she whispered. His eyes panicked and he backed up, scratching the back of his head.

"Well since it's that important to you I guess I'll let you go." His face turned a scarlet red and you could see the obvious erection in his pants. At this, I leaned toward the window and handed him a piece of paper.

"Here you go babe. You're cute and I'd let to know you better." I looked down at his pants obviously and smirked, "I'd really like to get to you. Call me, okay?" I winked, sitting back in my chair and pointing forward. Catherine pressed on the gas and we sped forward, doubling over in laughter in the process.

"I can't believe you did that." Catherine grinned.

"Me?! You were the one seducing the poor guy, he looked ready to pee in his pants," I replied.

"I'm not sure if he was going to do that with his pants, but okay."

I laughed again, this is the first time I had enjoyment since the accident. We pulled into the lot and Catherine took a few moments to find a pin to clip her V-neck together. "I don't any old geezers looking at any of this piece of heaven. I mean only attractive looking people can get a peek. That reminds me, want a look before I pin this up?" she asked, waggling her eyebrows.

"Whoa, Cat. I didn't know you were bisexual. I don't swing that way you know."

"I'm teasing, let's go in."

The nurse showed us to Keith's hospital room, I already knew it but she insisted on showing us and she was elderly, I can't deny elders they're like wrinkled babies.

When we came in, Keith was answering simple question the doctor was asking. He was holding up simple color cards.

"What is this color?"




"And this?"

"Gray." He answered incorrectly. It was green.

The doctor gave him a confused look, "What is this again?" he held up the card again. Again, Keith answered gray. The doctor took out a picture of grass, "What's the color of this?"

"Gray!" Keith sounded annoyed now. A woman with blonde hair and brown highlights burst out in tears. 

The doctor stood in front of the woman, and man she was with and tried to say as quietly as he could, "It seems your son is colorblind to the color green." The woman went into hysterical crying now, saying 'no' over and over again. Keith must've heard because his irritated face went solemn. 

The man pulled the crying woman out the room, the doctor followed them acknowledging Cat and I with a simple nod of his head. When Keith saw me he smiled and waved his hand for me to come up to him. Cat gave me a gentle push and I ran up to him, wrapping my arms around him and rambling my many apologies.

He let out a painful grunt and I released him. "Alex, you have no reason to be sorry. It's not like you pushed me in front of the car."

"Technically, I did . . ."

"No, I threw myself there. I knew what I was doing Alex, stop beating yourself up."

My mind went blank and I looked straight into blue eyes and began to lean in until my lips touched his. I, Alexandra Bolton, was currently kissing the guy I had swore to hate for the rest of my life.

What do you guys think? Oh, and 15 votes to continue. doesnt hurt to comment...if u do i have cookies :D

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