Chapter Twenty-One (21)

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Chapter Twenty-One:

My cheeks were flushed and hot when I sprung up from Keith's face. His face read that he wasn't expecting that little act at all. "I'm so sorry! I don't know what got over me, maybe it's because I didn't get enough sleep or maybe it's because I--" I was caught off by him grabbing my face and kissing me again. Then he connected my forehead with his and smiled.

"Seriously, it's alright Alex. I don't mind it, really." 

There was a sudden cough behind us, saving me from this awkward moment because I really didn't know what to do after that point. I turned around and saw Catherine standing there, hands crossed together in a position that told me she was out of place. "Should I leave?" she asked jerking her thumb toward the door.

"No!" I shouted too quickly. Catherine gave me a weird look before Keith called her over for a hug. I moved back still caught over what just happened. It was a abnormal feeling when I kissed him but it also felt like I was completed and my heart spiked at a dangerous rate. I wasn't supposed to react that way, sure I'd acknowledge his actions and I'd bump him up to a friendship stage but I refused to allow myself to do anything like that again.

"Oh my god that was funny! Right Alex?" Catherine asked when I zoned back. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, laughing and slapping her knee. 

"I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. What?" 

"With that policeman? He had a boner and everything."

"Oh yeah, he wanted you," I began giggling on my own.

"You're the one that gave him your number to give you a good time," she scoffed. Keith's laughter died a little and his eyes held an emotion I didn't recognize. She turned back around. "When are you coming back to ACP?" she asked Keith. He shrugged.

"I don't know, my parents want me to come back to their place and they don't want me to go back unless I have somebody there to watch over me and take care of me." 

"Alex would love to volunteer," Catherine offered pointing at me. My head jerked up in a sudden manner and I gave her a flabbergasted look. "Well, Alexandra Marie Bolton, it's the least you could do after he voluntarily saved your life... just saying," she said rolling her eyes. I mumbled profanities under my breath but she was right.

"She doesn't have to do it Catherine."

"I want too..." I surrendered. Plus, if I didn't Catherine would hold this over my head forever. Right as she opened her mouth to comment again her phone made a ping! sound and she immediately averted her attention to her screen. Her face twisted in a grin and she jumped up and looked in her bag and handed me thirty dollars.

"That was Joshua and he has something for me, there's your cab money. Maybe I can get him to kiss me for once, see you babe." 

"Cat! What the hell?"

"Al, I have to do this. Joshua can't wait." With that, she scurried out the door leaving me alone in the same room as Keith. Frustrated, I shoved the money in my pocket and looked up with an amused expression planted on his face.

I brushed my bangs out my face that seemed to be invading my face every five seconds. "Glad to see you think this is funny."  

"I do, come sit down with me." he said moving over and patting the space of bed next to him. I gave him a look that told him he was out of his mind. As I said, for what he did I'll acknowledge him as a friend. Knowing Keith and his Jupiter-sized ego sitting on the bed meant for him you obviously wanted him. Therefor no girl's second visit to "the bed" was never innocent, I should know . . . I was one portrait on the Hall of Shame.

"C'mon Alex, live a little."

"I am. I'm breathing aren't I? Well, I have to go and attempt to catch a cab before dark." I hugged him and picked up my bags and accessories. "See you Alex," he told me. I waved to him and almost shut the door when I heard him, "I love you." My eyes widened and I shook my head wildly, probably looking like a creep in the hallway.

Keith didn't love anybody, I learned that the hard way. That word never left his mouth I never heard him say it. So this of course was a trick of the ear. 

So, I'm going to write longer chapters after this one, I'm hoping. 25 votes :D

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