Chapter Fourteen (14)

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  • Dedicated to To all my readers and fans


"How's your outing with Keith?" she asked. What the hell? I looked up at her and my eyes widened at the sight. Olivia was standing there with her arms crossed over her shoulder and her usual friendly, light green eyes were dark with anger. What the fuck was she doing here?!


Chapter Fourteen:

I could see murder in Olivia's eyes and we were both silent, just staring at each other. A gust of wind blew past and Olivia's hair flew to the left, making her look like those evil vixens you normally see on movies. Keith came over, oblivious to Olivia and the tension in the air, and handed me a random taco.

"Extra nacho cheese, I know you love tacos with extra cheese," he smiled, taking a bite for his own taco then turned to look at where my eyes were directed. He jerked backwards and began violently coughing on the piece he just ate when he saw Olivia.

"Where's my taco?" Olivia asked putting an innocent confused expression on. Keith went back to his usual, cocky persona and took another bite of the taco. 

"What're you doing Olive?" he asked. Olivia and I looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. 

"Excuse me?! I catch you cheating on you and you're asking me what am I doing here? But if you must know, I applied for a job here." she looked pissed. No, the word pissed was an understatement.

"It's not cheating unless I fucked her."

Olivia looked at him, shocked for a second then turned to me. She pursed her lip and gave me a full out bitchy look. "Start explaining Alex, Daniel will hear everything you say word for word. I won't even switch your words, start talking." I turned to Keith with hatred in my eyes, then turned back around. My lips began to form a lie but it didn't leave my mouth because Keith interjected.

"Olive, it's really not her fault. She didn't want to go with me, I blackmailed her." he said,Olivia scoffed and began giving a snooty laughter. 

"You want me to believe this whore--" she jerked her thumb toward me but I didn't let her finish. My fist already collided with her jaw, her eyes widened in shock and mine did too. Nevertheless, I began speaking through my trembling hands.

"Olivia, I know you're hurt and angry but that is no excuse to call me names. I've been cheated on, used, hurt, and misunderstood for a long time in my life. You, giving me names, does not help you look tougher and it'll just give us more bullshit to fight over," I rambled while raising my voice with every word.

Keith began to pull me away and I eventually stopped resisting and followed him. "If you think that Daniel won't hear about this, you're dreaming!" I heard Olivia scream from behind me. 

"Olivia! Shut the hell up!" Keith yelled back as I broke his grip and ran toward Keith's car, he unlocked the door when he was a few yards away and I got in and fumed in silence.

* * * * * *

I slept in Gina's dorm room, I couldn't sleep at Olivia's house or one of us could've ended up dead. Her. When I woke up I found Gina eating cereal and watching reruns of South Park. She didn't notice I was awake  unless I let out a yawn followed by a burp. Attractive. 

"Alex, what happened? Last night Olivia called us at midnight with Catherina, Daniel, Liam, and I on five-way and ranted that you went on a date on Keith and she confronted you and everything. Is that why you're sleeping here?" Gina asked me staring so deep into my eyes I could've said she saw my soul.

My hands went up and my fingers gripped my hair, you couldn't be serious. She already told everyone? "What else did she say?" I asked her, tangling my hands into my hair and falling back on the bed pillow. 

"That you're a man-stealing slut . . ." 

My eyes narrowed and I got up angrily. I was going to kill Olivia. "Where is she?" I asked. Gina shook her head quickly. I asked her again in a low, threatening voice and she confessed that Olivia was at Daniel's dorm, she texted her a few minutes ago. 

Without thinking I had my pajamas, a pink tank top and white hello kitty pajama pants, I stormed out the door and into the street. It was a brisk thirty three degrees outside so the wind chilled me a bit but the blood boiling in my body kept me hot. I walked up to Daniel's dorm and began knocking the door obnoxiously.

When the door didn't open I took a bobby pin out my hair and began to pick the lock, my friend Nathan taught me how to in sophmore year. I opened the door to the horrific sight of Daniel and Olivia making out on the bed, both of them half naked. I had to hold myself back from taking a pencil and stabbing them to death.

"Are you serious?" I asked, loudly. Daniel looked ashamed and got off Olivia, as for Olivia she looked happy.

"You don't like the feeling do you? Seeing someone you care about with another girl."

"I didn't have sex with Keith! He fucking blackmailed me!" Something inside me snapped and I ran to Olivia and began pulling on her hair and pounding her face. 

"' Making," I said inbetween punches. My eyesight went black and I completely taken over from rage, Olivia didn't even get a punch in. Finally, Daniel pulled me off her and held me back, yelling what was wrong with me.

I looked him directly in the eye, "You know, I only went out with Keith to save our relationship. I thought I was falling in love with you, I'm so happy I found you like this before I did. If you haven't noticed Daniel, we're over." I began to walk away when Daniel pulled on my arm again.

"Wait, Alex. Olivia told me that you broke up with me and--" he started.

"And to mend your oh-so-broken heart, you had to get some. You walk around like some sweet, caring guy when you're really a manwhore. So how about you, get on your knees, and suck my balls," I said standing there and staring at him. "Thought so," I scoffed, walking away like a rockstar.

Daniel fans, I'm sorry! I had to put some drama in this. 15 votes for the next chapter, and please don't kill me or you won't know what happens next :)

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