Rift between Nand and Vrishbhan

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"Baba, please stop," Radha cries out as she chases after Vrishbhan. He comes to a halt, turning to face her with a mixture of disappointment and anger.

"I did not expect this from you, Radha. You have disappointed me. How could you hide this from me?" Vrishbhan's voice is filled with hurt.

With sorrow in her eyes, Radha responds, "I'm sorry, baba. My intention was never to hide anything from you. But the issue isn't mine to share, so I remained silent." Her words are laced with regret as she tries to explain her actions.

"I never imagined that my daughter would grow to the point where she could hide things from me, and then offer explanations," Vrishbhan responds with rage. "And to think, she would humiliate me and Sudevi's father like this."

Radha, her voice filled with anxiety, quickly interjects, "No, baba, I could never humiliate you. You mean everything to me."

Vrishbhan's anger doesn't subside as he sharply retorts, "Then why did you hide this from me?" His disappointment and frustration are palpable in his words.

As Krishn steps forward from behind Radha, he interrupts, "Because I asked her to, Kaka."

Vrishbhan's gaze shifts to Krishn, his anger evident as he responds, "I see. So you're the one influencing my daughter's decisions. I always considered you as my son, but you're overstepping your boundaries."

Krishn offers a sincere apology, saying, "I'm sorry, Kaka. I understand that I've hurt you, but Sudevi even asked Bhairav to stay silent, and it was never our place to interfere." He acknowledges his role but also points out the complexity of the situation.

Vrishbhan's anger simmers as he expresses, "If you had disclosed this earlier, we could have avoided this escalation. We could have spared her parents from humiliation."

Krishn maintains his silence, but Nand steps forward, voicing his disappointment, "I'm deeply disappointed in you, Kahna. How could you have been so unaware?"

Krishn responds with regret, "I'm truly sorry, Baba. I understand my approach may have been flawed, but my intentions were not. As I mentioned before, it was never my place to intervene." He acknowledges his mistake while standing by his initial decision not to interfere.

Vrishbhan's rage boils over as he yells, "Tell your son to know his limits. Stop meddling in adult matters and influencing my daughter."

Nand, his own anger rising, retorts, "Vrishbhan, I understand that my son's actions were not ideal. But you cannot address him in this manner. He had valid reasons for his actions." He defends Krishn while acknowledging the complexities of the situation.

Vrishbhan, filled with anger, insists, "Valid reasons? They're nothing but excuses. I demand that your son stay away from my daughter, not only that from now on, there is no relation between Barsana and Vrindavan."

Nand, equally furious, retorts, "Enough! I've heard enough about my son. I don't owe you any explanations about him. Kahna, from now on, you are not to go to Barasa." He lays down a firm boundary, indicating the seriousness of the situation.

As Vrishbhan orders Radha to refrain from entering Vrindavan and pulls her away, Nand does the same with Krishn. Radha and Krishna share a longing glance as they are forcibly separated by their fathers.

Radha, upon reaching home, offers a heartfelt apology to Vrishbhan, saying, "I'm sorry, Baba. Please forgive me. It wasn't Krishn's fault. Sudevi and Bhairav love each other, but they're afraid to confront the world, so they asked us to keep it a secret. As their friends, we couldn't refuse."

Vrishbhan, his eyes brimming with tears, responds, "How could you kids do this so easily? After all the years of love and care we've provided as parents, how could you throw it all away for the love of some stranger you met just a few days before?" His words are filled with a mixture of sorrow and disappointment, reflecting the pain of betrayal felt by a parent who feels their trust has been broken.

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