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Radha and krishn reach back home and embrace their respective mothers. Nand informs the Gokul villagers about the forest, and asks the Barsana's villagers for helping in construction of homes.

Radha and Krishn go back to their each other chambers to rest.
Upon learning of Bakasur's demise, Kans is consumed by rage.

Outside the perimeter of Kans's palace, a figure cloaked in a blanket attempts to enter but is intercepted by the guards. The mysterious individual requests an audience with the Maharaj, but the guards dismiss his plea and block his path.

Undeterred, the cloaked figure reveals his name as Krishn from Barsana and instructs the guards to relay his message to the Maharaj.

The guards promptly inform the king, "Maharaj, a man named Krishn seeks an audience with you."

Surprised by the name, Kans instructs the soldier to admit the visitor. The cloaked figure enters, and Kans regards him with suspicion until the blanket is cast aside, revealing his identity. Akrur recognizes him and remarks, "You're not Krishn, are you the one who fled?" Disappointed by this revelation, Kans questions, "So, you're not Krishn? Did you lie to me? How dare you?"

Ayaan, clasping his hands together, respectfully addresses, "Pranipat, Maharaj. My name is Ayaan. I was the one who conveyed information about the whereabouts of the Gokul people through a letter. I am your loyal servant, always at your service. If you permit, I am willing to assist you in any way possible. I am even prepared to sacrifice my life for you".

Kans arches an eyebrow and responds, "Is that so? Then... die!'

Ayaan is taken aback. Kans continues, "Go on, kill yourself".

Feeling tense, Ayaan raises the sword in his hand and places it against his throat, closing his eyes. However, his hands begin to tremble, and he halts midway.

As Kans witnesses this scene, his laughter echos through the walls, while Ayaan gazes at him with fear in his eyes. Kans then taunts, "Do you think I'm a fool? Do you honestly expect me to believe that you're here as my well-wisher?... Speak the truth. Why do you seek to aid me? What is your motive?"

Ayaan falls silent, wearing an expression of guilt.

Kans raises his voice, "Tell me the truth, or I'll bury you this very moment."

Terrified of Kans' wrath, Ayaan speaks with a quivering voice, "Please forgive me for deceiving you, Maharaj. My motives are selfish. I am in love with a girl, and I am determined to have her at any cost. However, Krishn also loves her, and I aim to eliminate him from the equation."

Kans gets surprised and asks, "A girl? Krishn is in love with a girl?"
"Fine, you can leave. Spy on krishn and inform me about everything. When the time comes, i will summon you" kans orders Ayaan.

Ayaan leaves. While Kans asks, "What do you think, Akrur? Should I kill the girl?".

Akrur becomes tense and responds, "As you wish, Maharaj." Kans smiles faintly and murmurs, "Krishn, I will snatch away your dear ones, one by one."

Sensing the threat, Krishn calmly remarks, "Feel free to try, mama sree. And Ayaan, today you start filling your jug of sins by associating with Kans. Sooner or later, you'll reap what you sow".

The following day, as people gather at the new forest site to commence construction of their new homes, Radha starts serving water to the crowd.

Krishn interrupts her and requests water. Annoyed, Radha pours water directly from the pot into his mouth, overfilling it and causing Krishn to cough. Irritated, Radha departs, leaving Krishn smiling at her playful mischief.

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