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In the far away land of the prithvi lok, shelters a spectacular kingdom called 'Mathura' and their king "Kans'. Everywhere you gaze it shines like gold. The Mathura Naresh takes pride in his kingdom and his unbeatable strength. He believes one's kingdom glory can be exhibit with the way the king lives.

 He believes one's kingdom glory can be exhibit with the way the king lives

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Kingdom of Mathura.

But a peek at the citizens of their kingdom, one cannot stop feeling pity. While the king and kingdom prospers on the expense of their people's suffer. The citizens are left with injustice, poverty, disease and pain. Praja (people) wanted to rebel against their Raja(King), but they do know he is indestructible. With no other choice, the praja prayed for a  miracle to happen. Unbeknownst to them, someone did hear their prayers.


At the eve of festival atmosphere in the palace. Mathura Naresh sending off his Newlywedded sister Devaki and her husband Vasudeva. And then suddenly the sky enraged with thunders opened up a way. And a voice spoke-" Murkh Kans, it's about time for your end, seeing your atrocities the devtas has announced the conclusion. Soon a boy, your dear sister's 8th child will lead to your kaal".

 Soon a boy, your dear sister's 8th child will lead to your kaal"

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Hearing this Kans got tensed and decided to kill his Sister. Vasudev requests to spare her and tried to remind him that it is his beloved sister. Kans didn't care and uttered, "if she leads to my death, then she have no right to stay alive".

Vasudeva in desperation begged," If you kill her now, someone else will give birth to the child who leads to your kaal".

Kans understood this, and decided to imprison his sister till she gives birth to the child and kill him by his own hands.


As years went on, kans killed every child of Devaki and Vasudeva. Soon, the 7th child was conceived. Following with Lord Vishnu's yogmaya removing the embryo from devaki's womb and establishing it in Vasudev's first wife Rohini's womb.

When there is no sign of a baby in his sister's womb, Kans thought she might have miscarried. And finally with fear he awaits for the 8th child.

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