5: I'm A Cheater

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I wore a pink hoodie and some black shorts. The hoodie was slightly oversized, but it would do.

Making sure Tyler was gone, I snuck downstairs. I didn't need to sneak out from the back because my parents aren't home. Once I got outside, I took a look at my car and decided not to drive. But then again..if my parents come home to see my car, they'll think I'm home..

I'll risk it.

I walked a few blocks before spotting Scott's house. We sometimes do it, but he's looking for a more serious relationship, and I'm not. Which is why I have Tyler. Well, had.

I come to his house maybe once a week. Way different compared to Tyler. Why am I still thinking about that jerk? I rang the doorbell and waited. I rang it again after no response. And again, and again.

Finally, I heard the door open.

"What kind of idiot doesn't open their door automa-" I froze when I saw the tall, muscular body standing before me.

Holy fucking shit. He was wearing a very fitting gray shirt and matching checkered pants. His hair is perfectly messy, I can just- run my hands through it. And his perfect face.. Everything about him is much different from Scott. Who is this fine-

"Hello?" I snapped back to reality and realized I was about to start drooling. "What?" I asked, looking extremely dumb. "I said, I was in the shower. Are you here for Scott?" His voice..oh my-

"Y-yeah, um, is he here?" Of course he's here, why wouldn't he be at his house. My voice was shaking like earlier. Only, for different reasons. "Um, yeah, but who are you?" Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why didn't you introduce yourself?

"It's Beatrix..Whitlock.." I barely managed to say. He stared at me for a moment before harshly slamming the door.

What the flip?

"Hey! Can you open the door? My ex is in there!" It took a while, but the guy opened the door again, but only a little this time. He peeked his head through and said, "He doesn't wanna talk to you." I stared at him and rolled my eyes. Where is Scott anyway? Soon after, I heard a voice come from inside. Speak of the devil. "It's okay Banks, let her in."

Banks? As in Banks Wright? As in Aelin's hot brother?  He extended the door and nodded towards the house. I awkwardly walked in and saw Scott sitting down on a beanbag near the entrance.

Scott's house is big. Bigger than mine. But definitely not bigger than Esme's.

"Whatever it is, make it quick," he said. Banks closed the door and walked near Scott. I couldn't help but stare at him as he walked. This guy.. Scott snapped his fingers and I snapped back to reality once again. I turned to face him as I said, "I wanted to explain..about Tyler."
"Talk." Alright, dude. You don't command me to speak. "Right..well, we aren't a thing." I fidgeted with my hand and hair. This is nerve wracking. I looked at the digital clock hanging on the wall. It's 10 o'clock.

"Stop lying to me," Excuse me? "Why can't you speak the truth for once?" Scott stood up, and that's when I realized his fly was down. Banks cleared his throat and signaled at it, and Scott turned to fix it. All while still staring at me. Embarrassed, but angry.

"I'm not lying. We just like to play around a little. That's all." It's quite humiliating to say all of this whale Banks is just standing there. He probably thinks I'm weird.

Thankfully enough though, he took his phone out and sat on a couch nearby. "Like I said, boy toy." Scott replied to what I had previously said. And then he rolled his eyes, like, twice and continued staring at me. "I'm not saying I want you back or anything, I'm just apologizing for hurting your feelings. So do you accept it or not?" I said, totally winning the argument. Scott walked up to me with rage in his eyes and I actually flinched. Fuc

"I don't. Especially not after you stared at my best friend the entire time." He backed away from me and Banks looked up pretty surprised. He was chewing some gum and blew a bubble when looking up at me.

What do I say in this type of situation? "I-I wasn't.."

My throat started itching.

Banks looked away for a second before getting up and walking to me. "What are you doing?" I asked, and Scott nodded, "Yeah, man. What are you-"

"Do you mind if I go talk to her outside for a few?" Scott looked at us and shaked his head. "Nah, go ahead. H__k up for all I care," Banks sighed and opened the door. He pushed me out and closed it behind him.

"What's your deal?" He raised his voice at me. "What? Is this because of that douchebag who isn't even willing to do it with me?" I lifted my arm up to point towards the house and Banks strained his eyes. "It's not his fault that he isn't as experienced! You can clearly see that he still likes you, and this is how you act towards him? H__k up with another guy? That's seriously messed up."

"Woah, dude. I barely know you, and you're judging me?

You don't know my life! L.O.L.!"

I cracked up a little bit and Banks groaned.

"Well, actually, I've known you for quite some time now,"

"What are you talking about? Are you stalking me or something?" Not that I would have a problem with it.

"Wow, so you really don't remember huh? You bullied me in elementary school, carrot top."

Wait, huh? Am I this slow?

"You're Dustbin Feiberman?" I couldn't help but snort at my own words and Banks just stood there, emotionless. I kept cracking up for the next two minutes before fully regaining my state. "Ohmygosh! Didn't you send that flimsy love letter to me in middle school too?" Back to the laughing stage.

"Shut up, can we get back to the point? Scott's in there all heartbroken because you were caught with another guy, and now you're reminding me of previous humiliations?" I laughed more and I think Banks actually grinned a little. Oh my gosh.

He has dimples.

My mind is racing right now, I have so many urges to do things that I really shouldn't be thinking of doing. My mind took over. I couldn't stop myself before blurting out, "What's your number?"

Oh sh*t. What the hell is wrong with me?

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