3: I've Gained..

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Since when was a sport so damn hard? I've never really said this out loud, but I'm a figure skater. And part of being a figure skater is having a nice, healthy body. Well, not only healthy, but snatched and pretty. I have good genes.

But recently, I haven't had enough time to hit the gym, so I gained some weight. But not excessively, just about 3 or so pounds. But my private trainer says I need to maintain 45-48 kilograms every week. So adding a few is a pretty big deal for me.

Beatrix was sitting in my vanity with reading glasses on. She's been my friend since 7th grade.

"Which one should I do?" she asked. I wasn't really paying attention. I am currently scrolling through weight loss options on my phone. I can't go to the gym today, so I need something that will do serious damage.

"Huh?" I turned to face her as I layed on my bed. "Seriously? Are you even listening?"

"Sorry, it's just that I'm stressed! I gained 3 pounds. Can you believe that? I'm so done for.."

"You're stressing over weight? I have more things to worry about." Of course she's making this all about her. It's Beatrix after all. "Esme, what's your love life condition right now? I'm curious." she asked vaguely. Well..

"Why would I tell you that kind of information?" I shrugged it off but I was internally screaming on the inside. I've hooked up with many guys ever since I turned 17. I want a perfect relationship.

"Well, if you don't want to, that's fine, but I, however, am in a serious situationship."

"With who?" Now I'm curious. I shut my phone and sat up completely facing her. "Tyler and Scott-"

"Two guys?" I gasped. Whore.

"Yeah, but they don't know about each other."

Beatrix is a real hoe. She messes with guys a little too much. There was an awkward silence. "I heard Aelin's brother is really naughty in bed." She put on her lip gloss and looked into my vanity mirror. "Banks?" I asked. Banks is a real cutie, but he's too playful for me. And not in the kid kind of way.

"Yeah, I'm gonna try hooking up with him. He seems nice to fuck."

"Trixie, you need to lay low." I whispered, acknowledging how pretty she looked with lip gloss on.

"Hey, a one-night stand is a one-night stand. And I'm thirsty. Tyler's dick is getting old."

I ignored her and turned my phone on, scrolling once more. "You shouldn't make yourself go through all that just because you're insecure." I heard. "I'm not." My head hurts.

"Then why are you doing it? Your trainer isn't in charge of your body." She has a point, but.. "It's for the sake of figure skating." I said and she groaned. "You and your figure skating." Beatrix chuckled and I sighed. She's such a slut.

. . .

"Bye Trixie," I waved her off.

"Bye Mei." She waved back at me as she walked toward her car. Finally. I love that girl, I really do, but she can be..interesting sometimes. 

I personally don't think that Beatrix is a relationship girl. She prefers 'a good time' rather than proper love. Which is common, but still really sad. 

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