42nd chapter

316 34 9

Author's note: this update is on special demand of someone's. So vote before reading and enjoy.


Yellow and white curtains were hanging to the walls, yellow and white flowers were enhancing the Beauty of the place.

Wedding is taking place at the hall and functions are happening at Dhruv's place.

Children are running here and there people are taking pictures of their outfits. Some are talking, some are laughing. Everyone is enjoying.

Nisha and Dhruv are sitting beside each other and the curtains are playing a barrier role in their love story.

Haldi is placed in front of them. Their friends are teasing them.

First Dhruv's dad came and applied haldi on his cheeks. His eyes filled with tears as he recalled his wife. Dhruv hugged his dad and wiped his tears.

Then he applied haldi on Nisha's cheeks and kissed her forehead "take care of my son" Nisha nodded her head and smiled.

After him Nisha's parents applied haldi to them. And then

"So who's next going to apply haldi to Dhruv and Nisha?" Rishabh asked looking everyone.

"Of course my sister's, Meera. Seema. "

Dhruv called both of them and Meera and Seema came forward.

Meera took some haldi and applied on Dhruv's cheeks. But when they thought she was done applying haldi she took some more jaldi and rubbed on his nose.

Well this was something new.

Everyone was shocked including Saransh.

"Acchhhuuuu" Meera sneezed.

Well she is having a little cold from yesterday's rain. And Dhruv gives her some cold pills so she is now able to attend the rituals.

Then Meera applied haldi to Nisha and Nisha took some of her haldi and applied it to Meera's cheeks.

After Meera, Seema too applied haldi to Dhruv and nisha and after that Saransh and Rishabh came to apply haldi to them.

They came and stood in front of them with innocent faces. They held fist full of haldi in their hands and marched towards them.

Before anyone can stop them they coloured both of their faces with haldi. Their hair nose ears neck everything is coloured in haldi.

Nisha got furious and started beating Saransh because he was the one who applied haldi to Nisha.

Seeing Saransh getting beaten up he ran away from there and Dhruv got up chasing him.

Rishabh was hiding behind Meera and Dhruv was trying to catch him when they felt a splash of water on three of them.

They looked at the source of water and found Seema standing with an empty bucket.

Well her Target were Dhruv and Rishabh but Meera came as complementary between them.

"You witch"

They said in unison and started chasing her.

Seema was hiding behind Nisha and Meera was trying to chase her. Again they felt a splash of water and this time it was Rishabh.

Meera again came complementary between them.

Bad luck Meera bad luck.


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