39th chapter

275 31 4

Author's note: vote before reading. You guys forget to vote after reading.

Author's pov..

It's been one week Seema is engrossed in her boutique work. This week has been very hectic for her. Tomorrow is her fashion contest.

She has already sent invitation cards to her friends. Well they are her support system how can she forget to invite them on her most important day of life.

She has been so busy at work that she wasn't able to meet her friends in these seven days. Rishabh has gone to Mumbai for a contract.

Giving a last look to all the dresses Seema and Mahira started for their home.

Here Saransh is unsuccessful in every attempt. It's like Meera has taken oath not to change herself even a bit. It's like she is happy in her small shell where she is hiding her real self.

Day by day Saransh is losing his hopes to get his Meera back. Now he is realising the damage he has caused to Meera.

Dhruv and Nisha are busy in wedding preparations. Finally their dreams are going to be true.

Just three days are left for the function to start.
Their excitement and glow are proof of how happy they are and can't wait to get married.

Next day evening...

All the contestants have arrived with their models and judges have taken a seat. The audience is eagerly waiting for the show to start.

Seema was backstage when she got a call from Rishabh. But as she was busy she didn't notice his call.

Once the announcement was done for seema's design her models started walking on the aisle.

One by one all the models walked over the aisle and at last Seema came to represent her work.

She held one of the model's hand and walked over the stage with confidence. When she reached the centre of the aisle she noticed her friends. 

As soon as her eyes landed on Rishabh her actions stopped for a moment. He was intensely looking at her without blinking. She became nervous and averted her gaze.

Waving her hands to the audience she turned to the other side where she found Abhimanyu cheering for her.

She smiled and waved at him.

When she was returning to the back stage her gaze again fell on Rishabh and again that same cold look on his face.

What had happened to him. she thought.

After some time a host came on stage to  announce winners. All the contestants stood in a row on the front stage holding each other's hands.

"And the first price goes to..."
"Miss Seema Verma"

It took some time for Seema to realise she is the winner. A cheerful smile spread on seema's face and she jumped in happiness. Her heartbeat started thumping loudly.

"Miss Seema please come and collect your price" Seema went forward and judges handed her an award with a big fat amount of money to promote her boutique.

"Whom would you like to give the credit to for this award Miss Seema?"

"First of all thank you, thank you so much for this award. It means a lot to me. Like all the other participants i also have been working in this competition for the last four months" her breathing was uneven. While talking her voice was stammering.

𝙁𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now