chapter 32

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(warning: lots of gore in this one 😅 but some very much needed payback gets delt! if you're squeamish you can skip this chapter completely! there's not much story relevance!)

Red warning lights flashed throughout the halls painting the surrounding areas in a deep crimson glow. 

a loud and intense alarm blared as the vault doors lock mechanism came undone and the seal broke. a hiss of air escaped as the doors separated and slowly opened allowing the dark mist to pour out all across the floor. 

The guards redirected their weapons from the girl to the dark doorway as the alarm continued to blare and the gap grew wider. 

Matt stepped back a few paces watching along with everyone else. the doctor openly glared at the doorway before backing away and turning to run down the hall. Matt watched surprised and called after him only to be cut off by a loud screech that made anyone within proximity of the vault cover their ears.

Ava stumbled away, using the wall as support before falling to her knees. she was clutching at her chest in pain while panting and seemed to be struggling after consuming whatever she drank.

Once the screeching stopped the soldier recovered and Matt looked to the woman across from him as he took a step forward to apprehend her something lashed out from within the vault knocking him back. 

he hit the wall as the rest of the guards momentarily froze in shock before aiming their guns at the darkness. a set of glowing white eyes could be seen from within the doorway as a deep growl resonated from within. 

Matt groaned as he looked up to see those white eyes staring back at him. The creature within, stepped out of the vault slowly, looming over each and every person like an omen of death. its tail whipped around wildly behind it as the dark mist filled the room making everything harder to see. 

as it's mouth opened up Matt swore it had somehow grown three times its normal size. no, this couldn't be that same monster right? this thing was different! not only was it bigger but its limbs looked distorted, it had another set of arms and two new sets of haunting glowing eyes! this couldn't possibly be the same creature!

Matt pressed himself further against the wall and looked around to the other guards. some of them were backing away, two ending up dropping their weapons and either just stood there watching the thing before them or collapsed. Why weren't they shooting it?!

Matt also took note of the fact Ava was suddenly gone. ‘that fucking bitch ran away just like the doc!’ 

a chill crawled across Matt's spine drawing his attention back to the creature before him as it crouched down and looked him right in the eye. Only then did a deep voice speak to him from the back of his mind as the creature said one singular word, causing the blood to drain from his face.


as it pulled away one of the guards suddenly screamed and started shooting wildly with no sense of direction as to where he was aiming. the creature snarled and practically moved like a shadow within the mist as it went after one of the guards who was just standing there frozen in fear. 

Matt watched in horror as blood splatter the wall beside him and he could faintly make out the creature tearing off someone's arm. another man screamed only for his voice to get cut off as something pierced through his body and he was thrown across the hall like a ragdoll. 

more gunfire sounded from across the hall as one of the guards suddenly started gunning down his companion. even after the man collapsed dead on the floor he wouldn't stop shooting the body.

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