chapter 10

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Slamming the door shut I locked it behind me and leaned against its surface. I felt like I was drowning In a tide of emotions, guilt, uncertainty, fear and confusion.

I know I shouldn't have snapped And lashed out at kerian the way I did but after what I saw in that...that vision, I didn't know what to think or what to do.

He seemed really worried about me, and It's easy to tell when he's genuinely concerned about someone but when I saw him in that hallucination or whatever it was. He was completely different. He was cold, and uncaring. It was kind of unnerving.

My mind wandered To the creature in the containment room. The same creature that I had seen in my dreams, it looked the same but different... groaning, I Grabbed at my head. Nothing makes sense! I don't understand any of this!

Looking down at my hand I could still clearly see s-32's bite mark, It was no longer glowing. All the strange visions, dreams, whatever they are must have Some kind of connection surely, I just have to figure out the meaning behind them and figure out what that creature has to do with all this.

Feeling a bit determined, I straightened myself and went over to my desk. I need to write down everything I saw so I don't forget and-

As soon as the drawer opened I paled. The notebook was gone. "No, no no! I left it right here! it has to be here!" I frantically Dug through all the drawers for it but the notebook was nowhere to be found. This can't be happening i know It was real I didn't just imagine it i-

Pulling the picture out of my pocket I looked at the drawing. I wouldn't have this if it wasn't real so where did it go? Who could have...

A knock on my door startled me from my thoughts. "Ava? It's Me... can we please talk?"

I stepped back away from the door as my mind came to only one conclusion. Kerian took the notebook. But why- what reason would he have to steal a notebook that only has notes from my dreams?!

"Ava come on please talk to me you've got me worried sick! Just tell me what happened and we can fix all of this I promise!"

What do I do in this situation? How do I know if I can even trust him?! Grabbing my head I backed away from the door. "Go away!"

"Ava please."

"Just go away kerian! Give me some time to think!" silence ensued afterwards and I could hear it in his voice when he spoke up again, just how hurt he felt.

"okay... I'll check back later, just don't hurt yourself." I listened for footsteps as he left and felt like I could finally breathe again with him gone, but it didn't make me feel any less guilty.

What if I'm wrong? What if I'm misjudging kerian, hurting him for no reason-

"Well ain't this a surprise." a familiar voice spoke up from across the room. Looking over I saw none other than jade standing in the darkest corner of my room, blood staining her shirt once more. Just like at the pool.

"to think you would have the gull to chase him off, you always were a selfish little bitch." jade remarked.


"aw is the little lab rat gonna cry and go running back to-"

"Why are you doing this!?" I snapped, making her go silent. "Why are you tormenting me!? I thought we were friends!?"

Jade's glaring gaze bore into me from the shadows. "friends?" She started laughing, at first it was small and subtle then it quickly became full on maniacal laughter.

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