chapter 30

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lying in bed all I could do was sit there and stare at the ceiling in deep thought as hours ticked by. 

I tried to sleep but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been plaguing me since I came back to my room last night. 

there's no doubt about it anymore. subject-59 plans to break out soon, and escape this facility for good. people will die, that's a fact that can't be denied. I wish it didn't have to end like this but there's nothing I can do. 

besides… if he doesn't break free along with the other anomalies then he'll die. His death is an outcome far worse than the destruction of this facility.

closing my eyes I tried to push away my guilty conscience. ‘This is for the best, I know it is.’

a small meow drew my attention and I opened my eyes to see s-32 sitting before me on the bed. with a sad smile I reached out to pet him much to his approval. “I suppose you're going to keep watch over me while he is busy?”

s-32 just purred in response as I continued to pet him. ‘I wonder where s-59 will go once he escapes? I should get out of here as soon as possible too. He said he will come back for me but I don't want to risk him getting caught once again. if I was outside it would be easier and safer to find one another. 

At least outside he can be at peace without having to worry about guards or scientists coming after him. Maybe one day humans and anomalies could learn to co-exist.

“imagine the possibilities…” I whispered to s-32.

a knock on the door startled s-32 and he quickly hid under the bed. ‘Who could that be?’ sitting up I got out of bed and opened the door to be greeted by a guard. 

“Miss Ava, kerian has requested your presence at the lab for a quick test.”

my mood immediately soured hearing this. “Of course he did.” turning around I grabbed my coat off the back of my chair and looked to 32 with a smile. “I'll be back in a few.” I whispered. 

putting on my coat I followed the guard to the lab. 

Upon entering the control room I noticed an increased number of guards as well as the capture team getting prepared to enter the containment chamber. 

my stomach twisted into a knot as I stopped and looked around before my eyes landed on kerian standing before the glass wall. fear and worry began taking over my senses as the worst thought possible came to mind. 

‘they can't possibly be planning to exterminate him right now– can they?!’

hesitantly I stepped towards him and he continued to just stand there staring ahead, peering into the dark entrance of 59's vault. 

“D-did something happen?” I asked quietly.

Kerian turned his cold gaze towards me and I immediately felt unnerved. 

“there's been a new…development with the project. a possible solution to the problems we’ve had with subject-59’s experiment.” he responded plainly before glancing towards the guards and capture team who started entering the chamber.

I watched them as well, getting more anxious by the second. “What are you doing…”

“ The board of directors wants everything to be shut down and for the bunkers to be repurposed for what's to come. but I still have one last card to play in all of this and refuse to give up my life's work.”

“I told you I'm not helping you with anything…” Kerian turned back to the glass wall and we watched as the soldiers inside surrounded the vault entrance with pole snares and electric prods.

Subject-59Where stories live. Discover now