chapter 29

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–3 days later–

I stood there anxiously waiting in the hall, glancing at my watch to check the time. Oct. 22nd 11:45pm. Night had fallen over six hours ago, so most of the scientists should be asleep by now. 

I had hoped that tonight would be my chance to sneak into the labs but as I peeked around the corner I saw two guards standing outside the observation control room, one of which I recognized…Matt.

internally I cursed whatever deity might be watching over me. "Of all the people, why did it have to be him?’ I continued to watch them from afar and listen in on their conversations.

“damn I hate night shifts.” Matt's partner groaned while leaning against the wall. “Tell me about it…” he responded. “I wish they would just exterminate this creature already, it does nothing but cause problems.” 

“doc treats this damn thing like a vip or some shit, even when it goes off and kills people they do nothing about it.” the other guard mused.

“What're you talking about?” Matt asked curiously. 

“Well I've seen them exterminate other monsters for less before, just last week a plant creature bit one of the scientists, they fucking incinerated that damn thing without a second thought.”

Matt hummed before looking up towards the ceiling in boredom. 

Matt pulled out a pack of cigarettes, grabbed one and started patting himself looking for a lighter.

“tsk you really gotta do that while I'm here?” his partner hissed. 

“fuck off, if we are gonna be stuck here another 8 hours I deserve some respite.” Matt snapped back. “I don't get why they even have us standing out here anyways.”

“It's because that fucking thing in there.” the guy gestures towards subject-59’s vault door. “somehow fucks with the cameras. they are practically useless. and after attacking jade they want to make sure it doesn't fucking try breaking out or some shit.”

“what fucking luck…where the hell is my lighter?” Matt cursed as he continued to look for his lighter.

“At least our troubles are almost over, we won't have to put up with this thing for much longer and can return to normal protocol” the man sighed.

“How so?” Matt questioned. 

“Buddy of mine overheard the doc talking to someone over the phone, with all the creature's suddenly acting out of whack they are wanting to terminate his project. with how dangerous this creature is i don't doubt they’ll probably put it down as well.”

My blood ran cold after hearing what the guard just said. ‘they…are going to kill him?!’

“Good riddance, these freaky monsters need to be eradicated all together, maybe then the world can go back to the way it's supposed to be!” Matt chuckled.

‘They can't– they can't really do this?! no, thinking they can't and they won't…I'm only fooling myself with those ideals. there's nothing the foundation won't do.

sliding down to the floor, I sat against the wall at a complete loss. What am I gonna do? I can't let them kill him…I need to tell him, get him out of here somehow!

“I'm going to take a piss.” The other man walked away down the hall leaving Matt alone.

“fucking hell!” Matt cursed finding no lighter to speak of.

I banged my head back against the wall quietly, closing my eyes in defeat. I need to get inside. I need to talk to 59 but How am I supposed to get past matt?! I need to get in that lab–!

Subject-59Where stories live. Discover now