chapter 25

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(note for the meme above: so I saw this post where it said "when the cat is more diabolical than The BBEG" And Immediately thought about subject-32! 🤣 had to share!)

__2 days later__

opening my eyes my eyes were greeted by the sight of my feet and the drain cover on the floor. I watched mindlessly as water sprayed down all around me and funneled down the drain as I stood underneath it.

I absently brought my fingertips to my lips as I stood in the shower letting the water soak me.

I could still taste him.

it's strange how sweet he actually is...

never would I have expected for things to turn out like this, never did I think I would be so enamored by something that isn't even human. Part of me thinks this is wrong, but it feels, right?

closing my eyes I leaned my head against the wall. I was so set on this plan before but now I'm feeling nervous. Is it because I'm afraid of being caught or because I'm so conflicted with how I feel over the whole situation?

if I do this I'll be turning my back on kerian completely, I still care for him but we just can't seem to reach each other. Up until now all my efforts almost seem one-sided. He's shown that he cares for my wellbeing and I've tried to give him time, give him space to open up to me yet in the past two months I've gotten nothing.

on the other hand S-59 has completely opened up to me. He's nowhere near as reserved as kerian and has proven his affection and shown his feelings. hell he even kissed me! We are so different from one another yet he's made me feel cared for, safe, and wanted.

I hadn't noticed it at first because I thought kerian was the one standing in my sights but slowly I've come to realize just how different they both treat me. I can't wait for kerian to open up to me, I'm tired of it.

we can't see eye to eye and I can't go along with their plans to hurt the subjects, especially 59. not after all that he's done for me...

I've already told myself I was going to see this plan through to the end. If exposing myself to 59 is what it takes to change things around here then that's just what I'll do. I'm not afraid of him, I know he won't hurt me, I trust him! Now I just need to prove to him that he can trust me back.

I care for him far more than anyone could imagine, he's been so gentle and kind. He truly cares for me, so won't let him continue to suffer.

taking a deep breath I turned the knot for the shower off and wrung out my hair before stepping out and drying off with a towel. walking into my room I patted my hair dry and grabbed some clothes from my dresser.

slipping on my undergarments first I Proceeded to dry my hair then finished dressing myself. Once I was ready. I headed for the observation lab. immediately upon entering infound kerian and the other onlookers standing by the glass wall.

Everyone seemed to be fussing and trying to figure out why S-59 had refused to leave his vault. From what I could tell he had been in there since that night we made our deal. I had a feeling that had something to do with it but I kept my mouth shut and simply walked over to stand beside kerian.

he was irritated by Subject-59's current behavior and hardly spared me a glance, further driving me to pull away from him. "Why is it doing this now?! the last time it isolated itself was after the last sampling day, nothing happened during our last test so what changed?"

"Perhaps he needs a break. you've hardly given him a moment's privacy so he most likely wants some time to rest." I stated plainly.

Kerian huffed in turn before looking at me. "go in and try to coax it out-"

Subject-59حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن