chapter 21

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snarling and shouting startled me awake as I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the floor. 

“get back or we'll shoot!” a man shouted.

“back away from her now!!” another followed only to get an angry screech in turn. I had to cover my ears from the sound and look around to get an idea as to what on earth was happening, but I was hardly prepared to see what was unfolding right in front of me.

S-59 was standing over me in a defensive posture with his tail whining around violently behind him as four arms guards surrounded us with their weapons aimed at him.

“move away freak!” another shouted only for S-59 to open up his mouth and hiss in warning making the man jump back a little. 

w-what is going on?! What's happening?! looking around confused I noticed kerian and a few other soldiers on the other side of the glass wall, watching everything unfold. 

Once kerian noticed I was awake and alert he rushed over to a console to activate the overhead speaker. “hold your fire!! ava! get away from subject-59!” He sounded and looked worried as the speakers stuttered no doubt from S-59s dark mist that was slowly growing thicker by the second. 

“what? what's happening?!”

snarling, at another guard who got too close I heard S-59 speak to me in my mind. “These humans suddenly entered the room with weapons and began threatening me!” He hissed out that last part opening Maw before lashing out and knocking two of the guards away with his tail and tackling one, screeching in his face.

the fourth man shot off a warning, passing him off even more and redirecting his attention to him. The man pinned beneath S-59's claws couldn't move his arm or gun and started screaming as his grip tightened and claws dug into his skin.

“permission to shoot!!” the last standing guard shouted while aiming at the monstrous creature before him. 

eyes widening I got to my feet and  jumped between them. “no!! don't shoot! please someone just tell me what is happening!” I pleaded, looking towards kerian. 

leaning down to speak into the microphone again, his voice filtered in through the speakers. “afternoon leaving you alone in the control room I came back to find you in the observation area unconscious with S-59 standing over you, I'm not sure how you got in there but I immediately called security to get you out and the subject became aggressive.”

so this is all just a misunderstanding they think he hurt me! “Please lower your weapons so he won't hurt anyone!” I looked towards the other two Guarda as they got back up and aimed towards s-59 who in turn looked their way and snarled.

turning around to face him I got in his line of sight. “don't attack! and let him go!” I pointed towards the pinned soldier.

turning hisnhead down to look at me he growled. “they showed aggression first–”

“you promised!” 

his eyes widened as he looked at me for a long moment. “Please I don't want anyone to get hurt.” slowly the tension in his form. faded and he released the pinned guard enabling one of the others to pull him back as they kept their guns trained on him.

S-59 seemed less than pleased with the guards as he glanced at them then refocused his attention on me. the seams of his mouth disappeared as he stepped back, retreating into the mist.

“stand down, and fall back.” Kerian ordered. 

“Thank you.” I smiled at S-59 as he attempted to make himself less noticeable by those watching. Turning back towards the glass wall I saw Kerian waiting with an expression I had never seen before. He must’ve been worried sick, seeing me in here with S-59.

Subject-59Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat