chapter 24

911 57 54

lying in bed all I could do was stare mindlessly at the ceiling. sleep was nearly impossible for me at the moment with my insomnia and my mind was filled with the constant worry that S-59’s life was in danger.

Kerian was of no help either, he wouldn't listen to reason or look at the situation any other way, to him these beings were dangerous. He's fighting a war that hasn't even started, and 59 is suffering for it.

he's been experimenting on, for the sake of finding weaknesses and a weapon. I thought kerian would've at least listened to me but he completely disregarded everything I said. it hurt being pushed away by him, like with all the others. any other time we are together kerian makes sure I'm well taken care of and seems to genuinely care but today?... He was colder than usual.

maybe he’s right? Maybe I'm mistaken about all of this? S-59 awoke from his slumber violently. He had killed and attacked dozens if not hundreds of scientists and guards up until we met. He is dangerous.

just because he's friendly with me doesn't change the fact he's a danger to others… he's an intelligent being as well, so what were the chances he was doing this pond purpose? it's not impossible, he could easily be lying and trying to deceive me. It's happened before with other subjects.

maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just the biggest fool in the world! I covered my face with my arm, feeling so utterly useless and distraught.

I'm torn between Kerian and Subject-59.

moments passed as the clock in my room ticked and I silently moped about the situation.

a subtle meow caught my attention and slowly I moved my arm and sat upright. sat on my bed next to me was Subject-32 with a feathered toy in his mouth. 

standing up he stepped over and dropped it onto my lap before nudging my hand for pets. “Did you just bring me a toy from your vault?”

he meowed happily as I stroked his fur and scratched his chin. “I never knew you could phase through walls with objects. I guess I'm learning something new every day.” I chuckled.

looking at 32 I couldn't help but think about everything I knew about him. He used to prey on other creatures as well, no doubt that included humans at some point. He was once dangerous, just like 59.

my hand stopped stroking his fur and s-32 turned to look at me before meowing questioningly. Even though he is merely a monster disguised as a cat to fool humans– I can't bring myself to hate him, not like kerian. 

32 has never done anything wrong, he merely wants someone to keep him company. How could anyone justify treating him as a monster? grabbing s-32 I pulled him closer holding him against my chest and he snuggled up against me purring happily. 

He changed. He became docile and learned to live among humans! So why can't the others? Who's to say 59 can't change as well?

I relaxed while holding S-32 in my arms and smiled down at him, petting his head once again. “Thank you.” 32 merely tilted his head to the side and I quickly stood up, setting him back down on my bed. 

looking to the wall I could see my Calendar hanging there. It's October 3rd, the next interaction I'll have with S-59 isn't for another two days. ‘It's not soon enough.’

looking back to 32 who was patiently waiting, I gave him a small smile. “wanna play?”


Outside of the observation control room the two guards on duty stood vigilant while keeping watch, and stared straight ahead at the wall across from them.

Subject-59Where stories live. Discover now