'~ Chapter 21 - Plea ~'

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Dione simply gaped at Neil as he stood bedraggled in her doorway. It looked like he'd left in a rush, as he was dressed in only his pajama pants and a jacket. His lips were blue with the cold and his eyes red with tears. 

"I-Im sorry. I didn't know what to do- I- I couldn't stay there-" Neil tried to explain but Dione cut him off, wrapping him in a tight hug. 

"Neil you had everyone worried sick." she buried her face in his shoulder.

"I know- I'm sorry-"

"You don't have to apologize. Come inside before you freeze." 

Dione dragged Neil inside, taking the small bag that he held from him.

"Oh my! Neil what are you doing here- Oh! Oh dear honey are you all right?" Mrs Hawthorne ran over and began inspecting Neil.

"I'm fine-"

"Oh Neil sweetie come on let's get you sorted out." Mrs Hawthorne brushed away his deflection, dragging him to the bathroom- "I'll leave some warm clothes at the door for you."

"I'll be in my room when you're done." Dione informed, placing a hand on his cheek- "You can tell me everything then." she moved her other hand into his- "Are you gonna be okay?" 

Neil could do nothing more than give her a slow nod before breaking away to clean himself up. 


Dione heard a knock at her bedroom door. She opened it, letting a showered and dressed Neil in. She led him over to a pile of cushions she'd set up by the heater. As soon as he sat down, he found himself wracked with shivers that had nothing to do with the temperature of the room. 

Dione saw this and enveloped him an a tight embrace. She ran her hands though his slightly damp hair, whispering reassurances in his ear and placing gentle kisses atop his head as he cried into her shoulder. 

"Neil, what happened?" Dione asked him after he'd managed to calm himself.

"I- I couldn't do it. I- I nearly- I was going to-" 

"Take a deep breath Neil. You're okay now. I'm here." 

Neil took a huge shuddering breath- "My father said he was going to take me out of Welton and ship me off to military school. He said I'd never see you or the boys again." 

"Oh Neil, you know that isn't true- I'd find a way to get to you." 

"I know, I know- I just- I couldn't live with that. I didn't know what to do- I- I nearly-" 

"Nearly what Neil?" Dione asked, hoping that the answer wasn't what she thought.

"If I couldn't live a life with you and the boys in it I- I didn't want to live at all." 

"Oh Neil." Dione drew him in as close as she could manage. 

"I'm so sorry." Neil once again tried to apologize but Dione was having none of it.

"Don't apologize Neil. It's okay. All that matters is that you're safe now."

The pair held each other close. Neil inhaled Dione's familiar scent, glad that he was still there to do so.

"What am I gonna do... I can't go back to my parents- and they definitely won't let me stay here." 

Dione frowned in thought- "I'll just have to see what I can do about that."

"Di honey, you've got some friends here." Mrs Hawthorne called from the other side of the door. 

"Are you gonna be all right here if I go say hi to the boys?" Dione asked cautiously.

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now