'~ prologue ~'

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Dione Hawthorne was an adventurous little girl, and practically attached to her hip was her best friend in the whole wide world, Neil Perry. 
The two had met at the ripe old age of 5; Dione, or Di as she insisted people call her, had fallen and scraped her knee on the course tarmac out the front of her house, she was curled up on the sidewalk watching the blood run down her leg as tears brimmed in her eyes when she came face to face with a slightly ruffled-looking boy-

"Are you alright?" the boy had asked her.

"Um- no not really." she replied, her voice shaking as the aforementioned tears began to stream down her face. 

The boy wasn't quite sure what to do at that, so he simply sat himself down beside her and turned to face the teary-eyed girl.

"My name's Neil, What's yours?"

"D-Dione." the girl mumbled out. 

"Huh, that's a weird name, I like it though!" 

Dione smiled at this.
Neil would eventually find out that Dione was named after the roman titan goddess of the moon, which he thought was beautiful, even if Dione thought otherwise. 
The pair grew very close over the coming years, spending every moment that they possibly could together, but sadly, that all changed one fateful day when Dione's parents pulled her aside one day. 

11. Dione Hawthorne was 11 when she was told that she was no longer permitted to go near her best friend in the entire world. Neil Perry was 11 when he was told- "Stay away from that unruly girl." 

It had been 5 years now since Dione and Neil had crossed paths, but both were praying that someday it may happen, that they could finally be reunited. 


- sorry that was kinda short i promise things are gonna start moving smoother once i get further in, peace and love <3 - 

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now