'~ Chapter 1 - begin again ~'

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"Dione sweetie you need to get up, you'll be late for school."

"Mmmcomingggjustgimmieaminute." Dione slurred out groggily. 

The now 16 year old girl stumbled around her room, eventually pulling together a somewhat suitable outfit and spending perhaps a little too much time fussing over her hair, before dragging herself downstairs to the kitchen. 

"Morning bed-head." Dione's father, Mr. Hawthorne called from his spot at the kitchen table behind his newspaper. 

"Oh gosh it's not that bad is it?" Dione stressed as she fussed with a few loose strands here and there. 

"No- no it's fine, I was more referring to the fact that you slept in, when you swore up and down last night that you'd get up at six on the dot." the man raised a slightly teasing eyebrow and Dione took a seat in front of some bacon and eggs. 

"Ha ha." Dione said flatly. 

The rest of breakfast was spent trading sly looks, which only increased when Dione's little sister Bella decided to join the party, and lampoon Dione over her antics the previous night. 
Eventually the festivities had to end, and all members of the household headed off to their daily activities. 

School for Dione went about as it usually did, she went to her classes, chatted with her friends, apparently one of them had managed to score herself a boyfriend, which Dione was glad to hear of course, but the whole day she had a strange sense of otherness- she felt almost outside of her own body, everything was hazy. 


While Dione was trudging her way through the day, the boy that she had been forced to leave behind long ago was having a day of his own.  

Inside Welton Academy, a private school surprisingly not too far from Dione's location, more than three hundred boys, all wearing blazers and ties, sat on chapel-pews lining the hall, the sound of bagpipes filled the air, and four banners floated their way down the aisle, marched by four boys, each covered in his fair share of achievement pins, but one stood out.

This boy had about 20 odd achievement pins, he stood stocky and tall, with short brown hair, and honey-brown eyes, it was a now 16 year old Neil Perry.
He sat and listened closely to the speech that was made by the headmaster, unlike the other boys surrounding him, who looked like they had become lost on about the third word. 

The boys all stood up suddenly as they realized they had been called upon to recite the school's four pillars. 

"Tradition, honor, discipline, excellence." the boys called flatly- they had done this more times than they could count. 

The pin-littered boy stood up at the end of the assembly with his parents, and went about moving his belongings into his dormitory, mentally preparing for another year at 'Hell-ton'. 


"Don't you ever dispute me in public you hear?"

Neil had been pulled aside by his father for a stern talking-to after voicing his disappointment at being forced to drop yet another of his extra-curriculars that he enjoyed so much.

"Father-" Neil tried to defend himself "I wasn't disputing you- I-"

"When you've finished medical school and you're on your own, you can do as you damn well please. Until then, you listen to me!"

Neil turned his gaze to the floor dejectedly- "Yes sir. I'm sorry."

"You know what this means to your mother, don't you?" Mr. Perry pressed.

"Yes sir." Neil huffed out sadly- "You know me, always taking on too much."

"Good boy. Call us if you need anything." Mr. Perry pat him on the shoulder in an attempt at comfort- "Oh and remember, I'll be coming to pick you up to go to the dinner on Friday, remember to be on your best behavior and in your best clothes." 

"Yes sir..." Neil trailed off sadly as his father strode off. 

"Why doesn't he let you do what you want?" one of Neil's friends, Charlie, asked. 

"Yeah, you should tell him off, it's not like it could get any worse!" another friend, Knox, added.

"Oh that's rich, like you guys tell your parents off?" Neil scoffed- "Mister future lawyer and mister future banker."

"Okay so I don't like it anymore than you do- I'm just saying..." Charlie pushed. 

"Just don't tell me how to talk to my father when you guys are the same way!"

"Okay, alright, Jesus." Knox tried to diffuse Neil's temper- "Well what are you gonna do?"

"What I have to, drop the annual..." Neil looked at the ceiling sadly. 

"I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it, it's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan." Charlie assured his friend. 

"Ah what do I care about any of it?" Neil grunted out angrily, which was followed by a stagnant pause. 

"So... latin? 8 o'clock? my room?" another of Neil's friends, Meeks, asked, dispersing the awkward air. 

"Yeah, sure." Neil replied.

"Hey Todd, you're welcome to come along pal." Charlie called to Neil's shy new roommate before the boys dispersed to go about their business. 


and there's chapter 1!! hope you enjoyed, please comment and vote, peace and love! <3

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora