'~Chapter 17 - phone call from God ~'

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(TW for mention of SA- I've put markers in for where you can skip to avoid it)


"He did WHAT?" 

Early that morning Todd had begun to explain to Neil the events of the previous night. 

"Does he realize what that could mean for us if they find out?!" Neil was now pacing the room in a panic. 

"He said not to worry about it- he said he'd handle it." 

"Charlie handling something? Todd, I've known him a long time. Him 'handling' something is not a good thing."

There was a moment of silence before Neil continued- "So what happened to Knox?"

"He wouldn't tell us much, just that Chet Danburry beat him up."

"I leave for a day and all of this happens?" 

"Well what happened on your date?"

"It wasn't- oh never mind. I'll fill you all in later, we need to get to this assembly."

Todd and Neil made their to the assembly hall, sitting on a pew. They spotted Charlie a few spots away- he was concealing something on his lap. Neil figured it was his way of 'handling things'. Not a good sign. 

The teachers began filing in, so all of the boys raised up to stand at attention. Nolan began his speech.

"Sit. This week's issue of Welton Honour, there appeared a profane and unauthorized article. Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons- and let me assure you, I will find them- I am asking any and all students who know anything about this article to make themselves known here and now." 

The poets all looked around at each other subtly, hoping no one would say anything. 

"Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school."

Suddenly the ringing of a phone swept aross the room. Charlie.

"Welton Academy, hello?" Charlie picked up the phone coyly- "Yes he is. Just a moment." Charlie stood up, holding the phone out towards the teachers- "Mr. Nolan, it's for you! It's God! He says we should have girls at Welton." 


The boys stood in the hallway awaiting Charlie's return. He eventually came limping down, all of them looking sympathetically at him. 

"You kicked out?" Neil asked the dejected boy.


"So what happened?" 

"I'm to turn everybody in, apologize to the school, and all will be forgiven." Charlie's voice cracked weakly.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Neil asked apprehensively- "Charlie?"

"Damn it Neil. The name is Nuwanda." Charlie closed the door to his dorm with a smirk. 

Neil gazed at the others confusedly, but figured they'd fill him in further later on.


{TW- mention of SA- skip to next marker to avoid it}

Later on, the boys were gathered in the common room, Charlie was regaling the tale of his punishment. Possibly adding some details that weren't necessarily true, but nonetheless the boys were entertained.  

Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now