'~ Chapter 20 - Tear Stained ~'

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Mr Perry's words echoed in Neil's head as he gazed out the window at the snowy landscape before him.

"Tomorrow I'm withdrawing you from Welton... You'll never see that foul girl or any of those little friends of yours again." 

Tears streaming down his face as he imagined the grim life he had set out before him. No friends, no acting, no Dione.

He stepped towards the windowsill, picking up the crown of twigs that he'd worn as Puck. He placed it gingerly on his head. 

He knew what he had to do. 

He grabbed the letter that Dione had passed him, inspecting it as he made his descent to his father's office. 

He sat down in the chair, carefully opening the letter.

Even just the first few words were enough to send fresh tears cascading down his cheeks.

Dearest Neil, 

I already know that you were incredible and I haven't even seen you perform yet.

He continued reading, handling the letter as if it would disintegrate at any moment. 

I know how hard you've fought for this, and I just wanted to say that even if it doesn't all go to plan, I still think that you are the most incredible and talented person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Hopefully by the time you've read this I've already let it be known aloud, but I'll say it here just in case. 

I love you Neil Perry, with every fiber of my being. You never fail to make me smile, and the same goes for anyone around you. 

You are irreplaceable.

Never let anything anyone has to say change you, you're perfect just as you are.

All of my love- Dione L. Hawthorne

His hands shook as he let the letter fall back onto the desk. 


"Di? Is that you?" Charlie's voice rang through the phone.

"Yeah? What is it Charlie?" 

"It's Neil- he- he's-

Dione felt her heart plummet. What had happened?

"A group of officers came in this morning asking us if we knew him- they wouldn't tell us anything." 

A million thoughts rushed through Dione's head as she tried not to burst into tears.

"Charlie what happened. Please just tell me." 

"They don't know where he is. No one's seen him since last night." 

Hearing it from Charlie sent Dione spiraling. Hot tears ran down her cheeks.

"They're giving us some time off while they try to figure out what's happened. I thought maybe we could come over- we're better off being together right?" 

"Yeah. That sounds good." Dione answered flatly. 

"See you soon." Charlie hung up. 

Dione was left shaking at the phone. She slowly walked to her room, barely able to feel her legs moving. When she made it inside she collapsed onto her bed and collapsed into a sobbing mess. Her whole body began to shake as she was wracked with heaving gasps for air. 

She eventually managed to compose herself somewhat, but found her hands still shaking. She walked over to the mirror to find herself with a red nose and cheeks, her eyes swollen and red also. She wiped her face with a handkerchief in an attempt to lessen the impact, but to no avail. 

She brushed herself off, figuring some baking would take her mind away from her worry. She made her way down to the kitchen, laying the ingredients out before her. She began to mix them together, humming quietly to herself in an attempt to self-soothe. She them placed the cookies in the oven and set a timer. 

While she waited she sat at the island bench considering her situation. How had things gone so wrong so fast? It seemed like only yesterday that her and Neil had been sneaking kisses behind set at rehearsals and enduring endless teasing from Johanna and Lilith.

She took a deep breath. It's not like he was really gone right? They just didn't know where he was. But that little part of her was consumed with an overwhelming sense that something was very wrong. 

She heard a knock at the door. Assuming it was Charlie and the boys, she shuffled over to the door. 



Pink Camelia - Neil Perry x Reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now