A/n My Apologies

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Its been... A hot minute.

Im currently in a situation where ive been having to save money with a couple other people by this june or im basically gonna be homeless.

So its been a lot of working for me, and just not enough alone time, and definitely not enough time to sit down and really write. As much as i really want to.

The situation in general is stressful, making my motivation to do anything on my days of just downright, non-existent.

Ive been having to clean, pack, work more and were still not at enough money for the type of house we need.

Plus my town has shit options in general.

My point is i just havent been able to write, i dont really want to like, put all this on anyone. I simply mean to explain im in a stressful situation and that i havent abandoned any of my stories. And i feel bad for making you all wait.

I know a good chunk of you will tell me no worries and to take care of myself and take my time, i promise im still taking care of myself. And i appreciate your guys concern and kind words.

If i can, i hope to publish a chapter a week. But obviously no promises.

My other stories, arent as prioritized as this one, tho they are still next to be worked on.

I thank all of you for your patience and hope you all have a good day/night.

Hopefully you'll see a chapter soon my spaghetti fellas.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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