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"uh... ill get a mango strawberry smoothie and a root beer smoothie... Both large. And...." Nick turned back to look at me, "what do you want?" He smiled.

"Oh uhm.... F/f smoothie" you stuttered over yourself.

Yeah you knew he was gonna buy it for you, but it still made you anxious when people did things for you.

"And 1 large f/f smoothie and thatll be it, please."

"Alright you're total is 13.78 at the first window please"

"Thank you!"

Nick drove up to the window, you were staring out the back seat window a little dazed. Anxious and excited to maybe see Freddy.

The thought of seeing Monty also left you feeling... Excited but not so anxious.

It was strange but you chalked it off as being nervous to see your boyfriend because well... Hes your boyfriend and Monty was just a friend.

"Here ya go!" Nick handed you your smoothie.

The three of you were then off to work.

"You excited to be back?" Riley asked taking a sip of their root bear smoothie.

"Oh most definitely. But Kinda anxious, oddly" you laughed.

It was that awkward forced laugh.

"Well i bet Monty will happy to see you." They wiggled their eyebrows, and smirked suggestively.

Oh geez, "whats that look for?"

Riley shrugged, and Nick chuckled, "we've had this theory you and Monty were an item.." he explained.

"What? No way, were just friends... Where in the world did you guys get that idea?" You felt yourself blushing.

Riley giggled, "just cause of how hes been acting like a worried puppy dog ever since you... Well you know. Its kind of endearing actually."

"Wouldn't it be weird to date an animatronic?" Theres that awkward laugh of yours again.

"Eh, we've kinda involved Roxy into our relationship so you tell me." Nick smirked.

Roxy? With both of them? Wow, thats actually kind of cute, Roxy didn't seem like the daring type to be honest.

"Oh... No its not weird... I mean if were being honest im actually with Freddy..." You smiled sheepishly.

Youve never told another person before, it was relieving yet felt strange.

"Really? Him?" Riley frowned, "no offense but he gives me weird vibes."

"Hes the sweetest... But maybe he can come off as intimidating sometimes. Hes more serious and a stickler for rules."

Riley shrugged, "maybe."

The conversation faded and the topic changed. But soon enough the three of you were at the pizzaplex.

You hugged your friends goodbye and split up inside the plex. still having 15 minutes to soare you rushed to the greenrooms hoping you could catch Freddy before Meghan arrived. If she hadnt already.

However, just as you reached the rooms you saw Meghan slipping into Freddy's room. Damn..

Your chest stung a bit. You felt like you hadnt seen him in forever. Tonight. You would visit him tonight. You had too.

With a heavy heart you switched direction to Monty's room. Using your card to unlock the door and tip toe inside.

Looking up you caught sight of Monty, mid motion in combing his mohawk. For a second he just stared, like he wasnt sure you were actually there. That was only a second though before he dropped the comb and rushed over pulling you into a hug.

This was... A huge surprise. Normally you initiate hugs with him.

"Y/n! You're back? You're okay?" His questions were quick and he pulled away keeping his hands on your shoulders.

His eyes took in every detail of you, scanning every part of you with intense worry and focus in his red eyes. Like he was looking for the slightest miniscule wound or imperfection done to you.

He took note of your sparkling e/c eyes and your slightly messy hair.

His eyes also lingering on the cut on your lip and bruising around your neck.

You could tell it pained him to see the damage. You could see the guilt in his eyes.

"Hi Monty, im okay i promise," you assured him.

Montys hand moved up, like he was going to caress your face but he hesitated and pulled away completely.

"Good... I was really, really worried about you... And really mad that i let you go out alone... I never should of let you, y/! Im so sorry i let you get hurt..." He brushed his hand through his mohawk ruining the work he had done to make it neat.

You frowned, "have you..
Been blaming yourself this entire time?"

"I mean... Yeah? Wouldn't you? I could of made you stay..."

"Monty... You couldn't make me do anything. I make my own choices im a grown adult... Its not your fault i acted impulsively.. i would never blame you for something i chose to do and you shouldn't either.."

Monty listened. But you could tell he wouldn't fully agree. But he also wouldn't argue over the matter.

"Regardless im glad you're okay... And im happy to see you back. Been kinda boring without you, seems ive gotten accustom to your wild personality.." he chuckled picking up his comb from the floor.

"Aww how sweet~" you teased plopping onto his sofa.

"Oh be quiet over there princess. Dont let it get your head, otherwise ill have to deal with your high ego all day."

"Too late! Ego has been inflated."

Monty rolled his eyes. At this point its hard to know who got that from who, both of you basically experts at the eye roll. But his tail moved in slow content wags and he had a smile on his face, so you knew nothing you said or did would actually anger him.

He really did miss you.

Did Freddy? Surely he would of tried to ask Nick or Riley about you? Did he even know they were your friends?

Maybe thats why he didnt ask them. That would make sense.

This thought eased the dread you felt.

Monty resumed combing his hair and you patiently waited gazing around his room. You caught sight of his messy vanity, papers scattered all over it. Curiously you stood up and stepped up next to him and casually peered at the papers.

"Whats all this?" You asked reaching for one of them.

Monty quickly grabbed the papers away from you shoving them into his chest hatch, "nothing!" He said quickly his voice going up a few octaves.

You raised a brow, "nothing? Sure are being secretive about 'nothing"

"I well... Its just... Personal? Id prefer not to share it right now princess..." He smiled, struggling to keep eye contact.

You out your hands up in surrender, "okay okay, i wont push. For now." You backed off.

Youd be respectful of his desire not to share what the papers were, but damn were tou curious. Your nosey nature wanting to grill him for answers.

But you pushed the desire down, hopefully hed tell you soon. You were a nosey bitch and sometimes it was hard to ignore this part of yourself.

For now however you out your focus into work. Visiting time was starting and you had to help Monty with kids.

It was nice, you felt somewhat normal again. Less dazed like you had been the past few days.

You really loved it here.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now