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Freddy greeted you with a big hug, "hows my favorite Superstar?" He asked joyfully, happy to see you.

"Great now that I'm with you!" You smiled up at Freddy.

His bright blue eyes were always so breathtaking.  You could never get bored of looking at them, especially when they looked at you with such adoration.

"Before seeing me though silly, how was your day?" He persisted, pulling you to sit with him on his red and blue sofa.

You shrugged, "pretty uneventful. Just went to school and classes were long and boring and I couldn't stop thinking about you." You gushed.

You were down bad for this being.

Freddy smiled. His smiles were always so full of kindness.

"I thought about you all day too, My superstar. I actually had something I wanted to share with you, that could potentially help us see each other more often." He had a glint of excitement in his eyes but you could tell he was also a little hesitant.

"Well what is it?" You prodded.

A chance to see Freddy more? You had to know everything about it.

"Well, this summer the company is doing something new. They are letting people sign up for an internship to gain some experience and possibly even get a full time job here... They're only picking out four people that meet their standards and I believe you do..." He trailed off seeming to debate on if he should continue.

You playful batted at his arm, "The suspense is killing me Freddy, just tell me... you gave him puppy eyes.

yes, you were eighteen but its okay to let out your inner child now an then.

He nuzzled you, "Well if you were to sign up, and get the job... Well you could end up being paired with me all summer. Which would be ideal obviously. However theres a huge chance you could be paired with one of the others... You could still see me more often but obviously itd still be rather difficult. But i just thought id tell you and leave it up to you on if you want to take that risk."

You looked away as you pondered this idea for a minute. You did need to start working soon so you could save money and move out of your parents, and this could be beneficial towards you in the long run even if you arent paired with Freddy.

"If im not paired with you how else would we see each other?" You asked, trying to weigh all the pros and cons of the idea.

"After hours, youd be allowed to stay longer for extra hours if you help clean. And I can join you or you can come to my room for a bit every now and then" Freddy explained patiently.

So even if ur not paired with him, youd still be benefiting yourself and you could still see Freddy. Yeah itd be for a limited amount of time, but thats better than nothing, Right?

"Well, where do i sign up?" You asked him.

You'd sign up, you decided. If not for seeing Freddy then at least you'll be helping yourself.

"Itll be at the entrance where you purchase tickets. Just as for an internship form and turn it in there after filling it out." Freddy's eyes scanned your face lovingly, "so you're signing up then?"

"I think so. Even if im not paired with you, at least i can make some money ya know?"

Freddy nodded, "thats a responsible way of thinking. Im glad, hopefully the odds work in our favor."

"I hope so too. For now though im gonna enjoy the rest of my time with you!" You cuddled close to Freddy, who wrapped his arms around you.

Freddy chuckled, "you're adorable, my Superstar" Freddy nuzzled you.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now